Search Results for: happy simple life

happy young woman on beach

Cultivating Contentment -The Secret to a Happy Simple Life

I love a good dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs with wine and some Dean Martin playing in the background is my happy place. That feeling when you are full and you’ve laughed with your family and enjoyed a good meal is hard to beat. That’s contentment! Wouldn’t it be great if we could feel that way…

home office desk computer bookshelf

9 Tips for Designing a Minimalist Workspace That Promotes Happy Productivity!

This is a Guest Post by Sugandha Chawla Are you ready to transform your home office into a serene and productive space? Creating a minimalist workspace can enhance your focus, creativity, and overall well-being. Whether you work remotely or simply need a designated area for tasks and projects, optimizing your home office for minimalism can…

living room with turtle picture

Scared to Live With Less? 5 Ways to Experiment With the Minimalist Lifestyle!

Have you ever taken a really great vacation? Was your trip to a completely new and different environment than what you are used to? Did you have to live with less, adjust to new habits and learn new things? If you had to move to that new location it might be overwhelming or scary. But…

diverse friends walking in winter

Great Winter Wellness: 6 Simple Self-Care Strategies

This is a Guest Post written by Cheryl Conklin of Winter wellness can be a challenge. Many people experience mood shifts in the winter. Spending more time indoors, engaging in sedentary activities, and lacking regular exposure to sunlight can harm our mental well-being. Winter is the perfect time to turn inward and embrace the…

cocktail glasses drinks naked life alcohol free experiment

What is the Naked Life? What I Learned from My 3 Month Alcohol Free Experiment

I have to be honest with you. I hesitated to write this article but I don’t know why exactly. I know it’s important and I have learned a lot from it but my alcohol free experiment felt almost too personal too share. Maybe it’s called “the naked life” because it feels so odd to talk…

woman at window bar drinking coffee thinking

10 AWESOME Minimalist Mindset Hacks That Will Help You Simplify Your Life

You are here because you are a lot like me. You dream of having a simple life full of family, friends and great experiences! And it wouldn’t hurt if you become successful at something you love and it just happened to pay! But the thing is, you are just like me in another way. No…

old camera on top of notebooks sepia

How to Let go of Sentimental Items -5 Simple Steps to Make it Easier!

My gramma’s china was very beautiful. She collected bone china tea cups and saucers, sugar bowls, milk pitchers, and platters. Some of it had beautiful Japanese designs and most of it had beautiful painted flowers and some gilding. It was delicate and tiny but it was not being used for just those reasons. She kept…

young proffessional woman running looking at watch

Is Poor Time Management Complicating Your Life? Learn How to Stick To A Schedule!

Have you ever stayed up late to pack the night before a trip? Do you forget appointments and show up late at work? Is all this poor time management making you stressed out and frustrating your friends and family? If you constantly feel like a chicken with its head cut off you probably don’t think…

beautiful mixed family

The Best Things In Life Aren’t Things -Focus On People Instead!

I live in a medium-sized desert town. We have all the basic stores, a couple of theaters, lots of restaurants, and a bowling alley. It’s not an exciting or stunningly beautiful place when you first get here. Still, time and again it enchants those who come, including my husband who is originally from San Diego….

packing clothes in suitcase

A Minimalist Packing List to Keep Travel Fun & Simple!

It feels like forever since I’ve gone anywhere but I am looking forward to a couple of trips this summer. I love clothes and being dressed appropriately for every occasion is important to me so I didn’t always pack like a minimalist. That changed during my married life. Ever since my husband and I got…

multi story mall shopping

Minimalism Vs. Consumerism -6 Ways to Win With Simple Living!

You are here to learn about minimalism but we live in a consumer society. What does that mean? Living in a world of mindless consumerism means that all my friends are talking about what they bought on Black Friday and they want to hang out at Target. Does that sound familiar? How does living in…

overwhelmed frustrated woman looking at laptop papwerwork

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? 5 Surprisingly Simple Solutions!

Do you suffer from decision fatigue? What is it and how do you know if you have it. Could you reduce decision fatigue and drastically improve your life? Read on to find out what decision fatigue is and how to cure it with 5 surprisingly simple solutions from the minimalist lifestyle! When I heard of…

tea blankets and candle

Minimalism and Hygge -6 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy a Happy Cozy Life!

It’s getting cold and I’m turning on my fake fireplace TV stand, drinking a cup of tea, and snuggling under an extra soft blanket. This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I receive a small commission when you purchase through these links at no extra cost to you. I just read The Little…

coffee table with flowers and tea pitcher

How Can You Start Living a Simple Life In a Modern World? 4 Simple Steps To Take!

We always think of the past as a simpler happier time. The truth of the matter is living in the past came with its own challenges. Regardless, living in the past was simpler. So how can we learn from it and start living a simple life in a modern world? I grew up on a…

ebooks and printables collage
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Simple Living Resources -15 Great Ways to Simplify Life!

Do you want to simplify life and declutter your home? Do you want your days to run more smoothly? I know that’s what I want and I am always looking for new ways to streamline everything that I do! Here at Doable Simplicity, I am all about making the minimalist lifestyle doable and simplicity attainable…

freedom relaxation happy man in field hiking nature

I Want to Live a Simpler Life -4 Ways I Copied My Airbnb at Home!

We just came back from a great trip! We went on a family get-away with my parents for their anniversary. Our destination of choice was a beautiful mountain lake in Colorado and we stayed in an adorable log cabin Airbnb. I love staying in vacation rentals because I want to live a simpler life like…

apartment living room

Decluttering Changed My Life -5 Awesome Benefits of Decluttering

I used to love clutter! I am not even lying. I loved having all the things and overdecorating! But eventually, I was drowning and living in a 300 square foot studio apartment! I thought a bigger place was the solution. Who wouldn’t? But then I discovered the “live changing magic of” decluttering. Once I started…

interior wall cabinet vases and book

Why Live a Minimalist Lifestyle? 4 Great Reasons to Simplify Your Life!

When you feel overwhelmed and want to simplify your life you may not think about minimalism but the minimalist lifestyle might be just what you need! How do you get started with the minimalist lifestyle? How do you simplify and make minimalism fit your life? Start your minimalism journey here!

apartment living room
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Living In a Small Home? 9 Ways to Love The Simple Life!

I have been living in a small home for almost 10 years. I know all the ups and downs. It can be hard to keep the small living mentality and very hard to fight the urge to upscale. Because I have stayed happy in my small space I want to help you enjoy small space…

Image by freepik

Master Your Well-Being! Be Your Best Health Advocate in 7 Steps

This is a Guest Post by Cheryl Conklin Stepping up and taking charge of one’s healthcare is a transformative approach to achieving superior health outcomes and long-lasting well-being. This article explains some vital strategies to become an informed and proactive advocate in personal healthcare, driving toward the best possible medical treatments and lifestyle choices. Gaining…

black woman in hammock with cup of tea and book

8 Proven Wellness Strategies for Better Self-Care!

This is a guest post by Cheryl Conklin who writes her health blog at In the whirlwind of life’s demands, carving out time for wellness strategies and self-care is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. This comprehensive guide is your ally in crafting a life where self-care and practical wellness strategies are not…

woman stressed out

5 Benefits of Patience and How to Develop This Great Quality

Patience…I am sick and tired of it. No really, it seems like my entire life has been one test in patience after another. Whether I face a challenging circumstance, a difficult person, an internal obstacle, or even a goal I’m hoping to achieve, everything requires patience. What about you? Do you find it difficult to…

8 Powerful Ways Slow Living Can Help You Manage Winter Blues

8 Powerful Ways Slow Living Can Help You Manage Winter Blues

This is a guest post by Cora Gold As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, you may grapple with the onset of winter blues or even seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The combination of reduced daylight and colder weather can leave you feeling lethargic, anxious and emotionally drained. However, there’s a powerful antidote to…

girl playing violin outside

Find a Creative Hobby as an Adult! 4 POWERFUL Benefits of Creativity

I’m a one of those artsy-farsty types. I don’t have just one creative hobby. I have many! They include sewing, writing, jewelry making, painting, and playing music! I just can’t help myself… Yes, my clothes are often inspired by world culture and I love color. I absolutely pick up thread and spare beads off the…

woman with cup and floral planner

Start Using a Planner Today! 11+ Ways to Master Your Schedule!

I really can’t believe it’s almost 2023. This year has had it’s ups and downs. There has been growth and setbacks, illness and healthy changes, and lots of fun and memories with family and friends. I know that the beginning of a new year is really just another day but it does feel good, in…

organized baskets

How to Stop Compulsive Decluttering & 7 Signs You Need To

One day, after a really thorough decluttering session I looked around at my beautiful space looking for more to get rid of. I loved and used everything I looked at and it was all organized and looked beautiful. Still, I found myself opening drawers and looking at shelves wondering if I could get rid of…

green sofa modern living space

5 Amazing Benefits of Minimalism That Will Make You Want to Simplify!

You are living in a bigger is better society and yet there is this constant murmur about minimalism. But that murmur is growing and it’s growing into a roar because people are finding that when you simplify your life and strive for a minimalist lifestyle benefits are many. So what are the benefits of minimalism?…

string bags with fruits sunbeams

3 Powerful Reasons Minimalism and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand 

What is sustainability? Why is important to make eco-friendly choices? How can minimalism and sustainability go together? How does minimalism help the environment? If you are like me these questions might be making you nervous. If you’re like me you can’t afford to buy high-end organic and sustainably made products all the time and every…

green sofa modern living space

Pros and Cons of Renting Vs. Home Ownership -6 Important Questions

My husband and I have been married for almost 14 years now and we have never owned a home. We have thought about it many times but due to different circumstances throughout the years we have yet to do it.  There are definitely pros and cons of renting vs. home ownership and we have weighed…

young black woman having coffee by window

Elevate Your Everyday: 8 Great Wellness Strategies for Women

This is a guest post by Cheryl Conklin of Life is an ever-evolving landscape of tasks and responsibilities that demands relentless attention, especially for women juggling multiple roles. The complexity of the daily grind can take a toll on well-being. This article explores a series of actionable steps designed to navigate these challenges while…

stack of wool sweaters and fall leaves

Wearing the Same Thing for 30 Days Transformed My Minimalist Wardrobe!

This is a Guest Post by Amanda Brownlow of Hello Brownlow In 2017, we drastically reduced our home inventory by getting rid of well over half of our belongings. Since we started living a more minimalist lifestyle, every part of our lives has become simpler – including my wardrobe. But it wasn’t always that way!…

5 Steps to a Colorful Wardrobe That Makes You Look Vibrant!

5 Steps to a Colorful Wardrobe That Makes You Look Vibrant!

I absolutely to love to wear color and my wardrobe is full vibrant prints and styles! My colorful wardrobe makes me happy and confident! But I’ve noticed that a lot of people hesitate to wear color and they end up stuck in neutral, in color and in style. Others may spread their wings a bit…

woman nicely dress walking outside what you wear matters

5 Reasons What You Wear Matters & How to Harness That Power!

Somedays are crazy busy and we just want to head out the door as fast as we can. Other days we like to take a little more time with our appearance. Sometimes it feels important to look good and sometimes we just don’t care. You may wonder if what you wear matters when noone seems…

pretty woman in summer clothes with hat and bag orange background

Want Great Personal Style? 5 Steps to Defining Your Style

For the longest time I didn’t really know what my personal style was. It seemed like I was just riding the waves of whatever was popular and honestly I hated half the clothes I owned. I blame fast fashion. We all just run into Target or T.J. Maxx or a million other little trend-based stores…

woman working thinking about environment sustainable living

How Minimalism Can Help You Live More Sustainably

Guest Post Written by Cora Gold Minimalism and sustainability often overlap in many important ways. People who espouse a minimalist lifestyle become more sustainable in their practices, and those who emphasize eco-friendliness naturally waste less. Becoming minimalist means embracing true freedom, liberating yourself from the heavy burden of assigning too much importance to material trinkets….

close up hands organizing clothes in box

Try a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe? -5 Awesome Benefits

Welcome back Spring! We missed the green of the trees and the beautiful colors of the flowers. Most of all we missed feeling the warm sunshine. It always feels exciting when a new season starts and I don’t know about you but I always feel like changing up my look for the new season. I’m…

maximalist living room

Minimalism Vs. Maximalism -Is It Better To Have Too Much Stuff or Not Enough?

Are you a minimalist? Or a maximalist? Probably you are somewhere in the middle. Or maybe you are on your journey from being a maximalist towards being a minimalist. That’s where I am. Seriously, you may be surprised to hear this but I used to love collecting. My childhood room was covered with pretty little…

organized baskets

Decluttering and Minimalism -Why You Need to Know the Difference

I like to declutter but do you know what I like more? A simple life. Decluttering changed my life but minimalism made me happy. Sometimes people think that you have declutter all the time to be a minimalist. Others think you have to be a minimalist to declutter at all. But is that true? What…

couple stretching

5 Great Reasons to Keep Protecting and Promoting Your Health!

I am a pretty healthy person but I’m not a particularly vigilant person. I like a glass of wine, some cookies, potato chips and pizza! My weight has it’s ups and downs and I don’t always exercise as much as I should or sleep well. But I’ve learned the importance of protecting and promoting your…

happy young girl with hat

Learn How to Dress Like a Minimalist -7 Rules to Know & Break!

I’ve become a minimalist and now my favorite outfit is a pair of jeans, a white v-neck t-shirt, and some Birkenstocks. Sometimes I wear a grey a t-shirt and tennis shoes instead. That’s about the extent of my wardrobe because I only wear neutrals and I have about 15 items in my closet that are…

woman online shopping

How to Stop Buying Clothes! 7 Great Tips to Help You Shop Less!

I may be a minimalist but I love clothes! Clothing has always been the hardest thing for me to pair down on. I love buying clothes and I even love making clothes. But if I’m going to keep things simple that means I’m going to have to constantly get rid of clothes. That just feels…

Find Things to Declutter -Does it Spark Joy & 4 More Effective Declutter Questions

Find Things to Declutter -Does it Spark Joy & 4 More Effective Declutter Questions

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I receive a small commission when you purchase through these links at no extra cost to you. It’s kind of a funny story. I lived in a 300-square-foot studio apartment for almost 10 years. My landlord was a good friend’s dad. That friend had lived in…

beautiful woman with afro hairstyle writing in journal notebook planner

20 Great Quotes About Living Simply That Will Inspire You!

A lot of people in the minimalist world have these amazing stories of getting rid of 75% of their possessions and pursuing the minimalist lifestyle after traveling down the consumer highway for the first part of their life. I don’t have a story quite like that because I started out pretty simply. I did get…

woman looking at clothing on rack clothes closet

Find Out How I Shop My Closet to Build a Beautiful Spring Capsule Wardrobe!

It is finally spring and I thought it would never come! I have just completed the Project 333 minimalist wardrobe challenge and I am definitely ready for some new clothes. For spring, I am going to break some of the rules in Project 333 to allow myself a little more creativity. But I am not…

white and tan clothing hanging in closet

Break The Project 333 Rules! Try This Awesome Minimalist Fashion Challenge Your Way

It feels so good! I just changed out my closet and put away the 33 items I have been wearing for the last 3 months! Why did I restrict myself to only 33 items for 3 months? Because I was doing the minimalist challenge Project 333 and the Project 333 rules say you get 33…

Clearing Clutter Can Be Fun! -10 Great Ways Enjoy Decluttering!

Clearing Clutter Can Be Fun! -10 Great Ways Enjoy Decluttering!

When I arrived with my moving boxes to the home I live in now, the hallways and garage were already packed with stuff. There was hardly room to move and I was totally overwhelmed. The job ahead, the biggest decluttering project of my life so far, made me feel equal parts scared, nauseous, and paralyzed….

man with head on pile of paperwork

Declutter Paperwork Fast! 6 Easy Ways To Reduce Paper Clutter

I run three businesses and I volunteer online but I don’t find it hard to organize and declutter paperwork and I am not drowning in paper clutter. I am working here at my clean desk. Because my desk is tidy I am able to focus because there is nothing but my current task in front…

toys donation box declutter

Tired of Your Cluttered House? Kick Out The Awful Clutter FAST!

When you have a cluttered house it can really get you down. For example, I was looking in my closet, well into the Pandemic, and I felt fat. My clothes were just making fun of me. I thought they were my friends but oh how quickly the tables had turned. This post contains affiliate links….

simple minimalist closet woman choosing clothing

Is a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe Easy? 5 Lessons From Project 333

I thought I could never do it. Fear caused me to procrastinate trying because I didn’t think I would ever survive. I was afraid I would lose myself in the process. Now I’m halfway through the three-month minimalist fashion challenge known as Project 333 and I have already learned a lot! Is having a minimalist…

Create a Sustainable Capsule Wardrobe for Winter With 2 Great Brands!

Create a Sustainable Capsule Wardrobe for Winter With 2 Great Brands!

I live in small town. We have Walmart, Target, a JCPenny, TJ Maxx and Ross. We aren’t fancy and my budget isn’t very fancy either. So what could I possibly have to do with sustainable fashion? Why would I want to build a better wardrobe with ethical and sustainable fashion pieces? Is there even such…

woman playing in fall leaves

16 Timeless Fall Wardrobe Essentials to Make You Look Your Best

You know you love fall when you have your own fall playlist. You might love fall if you are already getting Pumpkin Spice Lattes and trying to wear your fall clothes when it’s still 90 degrees out! Ok so I might be telling on myself a little bit but I LOVE fall so much! And…

minimalist look dresser and decor

Don’t Like The Minimalist Aesthetic? 5 Reasons It Doesn’t Matter!

There is a lot of confusion in the Walmart, TJ Maxx, and Target isles about Minimalism. “Minimalist” is a new style that you can buy! But wait. The minimalist lifestyle isn’t about the aesthetic. The minimalist lifestyle is more of a mindset. The minimalist aesthetic is a style. You can’t shop for a mindset! Don’t…

smiling woman relaxing on couch

Start Embracing Minimalism – 10 Great Reasons Minimalism is What You Need!

A lot of people are choosing a simple minimalist lifestyle right now. But have you have wondered if it’s really a necessity? Why do we need minimalism? How can minimalism help you with your very real problems? Do you really need to become a minimalist? You may have thought you could never become a minimalist…

happy young girl with hat

How to Be a Minimalist When You Love Stuff! 7 Excuses That Aren’t LEGIT

When I first heard the word minimalist I understood that it meant people who have less stuff because they don’t feel they need a lot to be happy or comfortable but still, I didn’t know how to be a minimalist and I didn’t know if I wanted to. And guess what? I lived in a…

woman with phone in clothing wrack with sale tags

Why Is Decluttering So Hard? Find Out How to Break the Vicious Cycle!

Are you overwhelmed with clutter? Are you struggling to declutter? Do you want to know how to declutter your home but you feel overwhelmed or unmotivated? Or have you gotten rid of clutter before but it just keeps coming back? You are not alone! Everyone is feeling overwhelmed and struggling to declutter their homes and…

confused man woman with sale sign doing house work

How To Become A Minimalist When Your Family Is Not! 7 Tips for Survival!

I am pretty much the only true minimalist in my house. My husband works at it and my parents used to think that minimalism was a bad word but they are actually coming around to it since our moving back home. Let’s face it, the minimalist lifestyle is a journey that takes time. But maybe…

pile of gifts presents

40 Minimalist Gifts That are Affordable and Unique

What can you get for a minimalist? Giving a gift to a minimalist is like, against their religion, isn’t it? No! Minimalists love gifts just as much as anyone. They love to feel loved and thought of by their friends. A well-thought-out gift is always appreciated so don’t hold back! Let me help you get an idea of the perfect affordable gifts that minimalists will love receiving!

messy room full of boxes

5 Ways to Start Ruthless Decluttering Without Excuses Now!

Have you ever found decluttering emotionally overwhelming? Decluttering can be a bit like the five stages of grief. You can find yourself in denial, then your angry, and then you find yourself bargaining your way out of getting rid of anything. You become a genius about making decluttering excuses that keep you from making the…

folded autumn sweaters and denim

Beautiful Fall Capsule Wardrobe Ideas for 2024 and Beyond!

Fall fashion is the best! The first day that the air becomes crisp I am thinking about how much I miss my sweaters and boots. I love when it’s time to pull out my fall capsule wardrobe! That warm yellow autumn light makes me want to dress like Rory Gilmore and drink coffee like Lorelie….

green sofa modern living space

10 Beautiful Minimalist House Decor Ideas That Will Fit Your Style!

I used to be the person who saved everything. After all, my things tell my story. They are gifts from friends, souvenirs from trips, and things that brought me joy when I bought them in the store. As a result, my space was always cluttered and dusting was a nightmare. When I lived in my…

Closet Cleanout Time? How to Declutter Your Closet with 8 Great Questions!
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Closet Cleanout Time? How to Declutter Your Closet with 8 Great Questions!

I’ve been cleaning out my closet and working towards a minimalist wardrobe for a while now. I love clothes so I had A LOT of them. But I’ve come a long way from cramming shirts into drawers and pushing closet doors closed to the tidy closet I have today. What has helped me is the…