Try a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe? -5 Awesome Benefits
Welcome back Spring! We missed the green of the trees and the beautiful colors of the flowers. Most of all we missed feeling the warm sunshine.
It always feels exciting when a new season starts and I don’t know about you but I always feel like changing up my look for the new season. I’m ready to shed the dark colors for pastels and the heavy fabrics for light layers.
Actually, ever since I tried Project 333 I have maintained a seasonal capsule wardrobe that I change out 4 times a year.
That might sound excessive. I thought so too at first. But I really love it and I think you will too!
What is a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe?
Before we talk about all the great reasons to have a seasonal capsule wardrobe in rotation, let’s define what a seasonal capsule wardrobe really is.
A seasonal capsule wardrobe is a selection of clothing you already own and love to wear that is appropriate for the next 3-4 months.
Obviously, if you live in a place with four seasons you will need warm clothing in the winter, cool clothing in the summer, and light layers your can mix and match in spring and fall.
To some extent some of your clothing will work for all four seasons and sometimes fall will bleed into winter or winter into spring.
If you don’t have all four seasons you can still benefit from a seasonal capsule wardrobe by shifting to heavier fabrics and darker colors in fall and winter. I personally have a completely different color scheme in fall than in deep winter as well.
So what’s the point?
The goal of a seasonal wardrobe is to select a more limited amount of clothing for each season so that you aren’t digging through swim suits and flip flops to get your wool socks and boots!
I will not give you a finite number of items to have in your seasonal capsule wardrobe because I do not stick to a specific number and all our lives are different. But I will HIGHLY recommend you try Project 333 for at least one season to learn how little you actually need!
Now let’s explore all the benefits of a seasonal capsule wardrobe to see if it’s the right fit for you!

1: A Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe Helps You Refresh Your Look Without Breaking Your Budget!
I’ve been switching out my clothes with the seasons for years.
One of my favorite things about creating a seasonal capsule wardrobe as part of my closet organization is that it scratches that itch you get when you are just sick and tired of everything you own and really want to go shopping.
Instead of heading out for something new I just pull out the seasonal capsule wardrobe that fits the new season! It’s always so fun and exciting! And because my different capsule wardrobes are all pretty simple it’s easy to switch them out.
When I get my “new” clothes for the season I am pulling out old favorites that fit me and make me feel awesome. And I didn’t have to spend a dime!

2: Your Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe Will Make It EASY to Get Ready in the Morning!
Another reason I think you should try a seasonal capsule wardrobe is it makes getting dressed in the morning so much easier!
Instead of digging through a bunch of clothes that are not right for the season you have a set selection of items you know you love to wear at this time of year.
You know that these items are practical for the weather and fit the feel of the season too.
And because you don’t have a huge selection you will probably develop two to three outfits you know you enjoy wearing with each piece and it will be simple to choose what you want to wear in the morning!

3: Keep Your Closet Organized with a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe
A seasonal capsule wardrobe can really help you get your closet organization game on point!
In fact I started doing seasonal closet organization twice a year when I lived in a tiny apartment and shared the tiny closet with my husband.
How does a seasonal capsule wardrobe help you keep your closet in (almost) perfect order?
Well, you guessed it. There’s less stuff to dig through so it’s easier to see what you want to wear and easier to put stuff away!
But that’s not all, when you are doing your seasonal closet organization and changing from one season to the next it is very easy to see what you did not wear or were uncomfortable wearing. It’s a great time to get rid of anything that is worn, doesn’t fit right, or you are tired of.
If you didn’t wear something for the entire season it was supposed to be great for odds are you don’t actually like it. It’s time to let go!
4: Slowly Improve Your Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe
I will be honest with you here. Even though I am trying to have less clothing I rarely go a full season without buying at least one piece for the season.
Why is that?
Simply put, it’s because I’m a woman with a changing body and a changing life.
When a new season starts and I pull out my seasonal capsule wardrobe odds are there are some things I got rid of at the end of that same season the last time. Those were things that may have served a purpose but no longer fit, were not in good condition, or I just didn’t like the style of anymore.
As needed, I build a better wardrobe with items that I can carefully curate based on the knowledge I have of what works and what does not.
For example, I had an old cotton stretch blazer from Target that shrunk weird, collected cat hairs and didn’t quite button. I replaced that with a really nice blazer I scored on Poshmark.
PS: You can create a “better wardrobe” by replacing items you don’t use anymore with items from thrift shops, online thrift markets, or clothing from sustainable and ethical fashion brands instead of buying into fast fashion.

5: Find Your Style With a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe!
I think the best part of sticking to a seasonal capsule wardrobe is that it really helps you find your style!
Most women are like I used to be. We grab a shirt on sale and some shoes that are totally cute and impractical whenever the mood strikes.
Our shopping habits are a mish-mash of great deals and impulse purchases that partially follow trends and partially follow the same old patterns.
This way of accumulating clothes leaves us frustrated. We have a lot of clothes but a lot of them don’t even feel like the person we really are, some are just adequate, and a few pieces are truly loved.
Imagine instead you got rid of all the stuff that doesn’t fit your body or your personality. Do you think you would enjoy getting dressed with what is left?
That’s what happened to me! Once I started to really simplify my closet I started seeing patterns in the things I loved and the things I hated.
For example, I stopped buying skinny jeans and polyester shirts cause both of those things make me feel like I’m being swallowed by large snake!
Then I dialed in on what my style really is.
I learned that no matter how hard I try to fight it I’m totally bohemian in the summer while I prefer really classic style in the winter.
Now that I know what I REALLY like and what I don’t I feel great in my clothes and I put together outfits that really feel like ME because I know and have accepted my style!
What is your personal style? Isn’t it time to find out?

Will You Try a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe?
What do you think? Do you want to try a seasonal capsule wardrobe now?
If you are holding back because it sounds like a lot of work don’t worry! It’s really not as hard as it sounds to do a seasonal closet organization!
And when you do a really good closet clean-out like that you are going to be sooo happy you did because getting dressed will become a really fun part of your day!
Start with the next season. Select 3-5 colors and some neutrals you want to wear for that season. Pick the best, most comfortable, most fun to wear pieces and just put away the rest for a little while.
You don’t have to get rid of anything yet. It’s an experiment, like the time I tried Project 333! Just see if you like having fewer clothes that you really love instead of a closet full of random stuff you don’t really want to wear!

Find Closet Simplicity!
As a minimalist I can honestly say that I still love clothes just as much as I always have! In fact, I may love them more now that I really carefully curate my closet.
But I know the struggle is real! It has taken me a LONG time to pair down my closet.
That’s exactly why I’m your girl if you are struggling to let go of old clothes, having a hard time imagining any joy in a minimalist closet, or are just too overwhelmed to even start!
That’s why I compiled all my best advice into a great little e-book called Closet Simplicity! I know it will help you simplify your wardrobe and find your style so you can let your inner beauty shine through!