Can Minimalism Save Money? 4 Ways Simple Living Can Fatten Your Wallet!
I think we can all agree that these past few years have been crazy and with all the different things that have happened the cost of living has gone up and up and up!
You might be struggling to make ends meet and hold onto everything you have “just in case”. But what if I told you the solution was to get rid of stuff?
You might not believe it but it’s true. Can minimalism save money? Yes! In many ways! Let’s find out how minimalism saves money and how to live minimalist and save money faster than ever!
How Minimalism Saves Money:
Minimalism saves money by helping you reduce unnecessary spending. When your home is more organized it’s easier to avoid buying stuff you don’t really need. Minimalism saves money by helping you enjoy life in smaller homes, avoid debt, and reduce impulse purchases. When you learn how to live minimalist and save money you will have more money for things you really enjoy!
First Of All What is Minimalism all About?
You may be asking; “How can minimalism save money?”
After all, when you think of the word “minimalism” you are picturing tan and white homes and people with high-end clothing and furniture. That stuff is expensive!
Don’t worry! That is just what the magazines are selling. That is not really what the minimalist lifestyle is all about!
The minimalist lifestyle is focused on getting rid of things that weigh you down so that you can have more time, energy, and yes, MONEY, to the things that your actually enjoy!
By seeking minimalism in their life, people are looking to get back to basics so that they can stop running on the crazy hamster wheel of working all the time just to make ends meet while having no time to actually enjoy their lives.
Being a minimalist isn’t just for the rich. It doesn’t mean you have to have fancy furniture or clothes. It doesn’t mean you have to like a certain style or color scheme. Minimalism is all about you having what you need and love and saying no to the rest! It’s about you becoming your authentic self!
So that you know what minimalism is all about maybe it’s more appealing to you. But are you wondering how to live minimalist and save money? Let’s get started! First we will learn how minimalism saves you money every day.

Can Minimalism Save Money on Everyday Essentials?
The first area where minimalism saves money is when it comes to everyday essentials. Can minimalism save money on the things we need to survive each day?
The short answer is no.
Being a minimalist doesn’t magically make gas, groceries, and medicine cost less money. Unfortunately, we are all going to have to deal with inflation on those things.
So what’s the point? How can minimalism save money? It’s kind of roundabout but let me explain.
When you live a simpler life and your big expenses are a little smaller because of your simple life (more on that later) it will change your life in a lot of ways.
You will have a little more time to cook meals at home instead of picking up takeout. Cooking at home saves tons of money!
Also, you will not buy things that you already have but that are just buried in the back of the cabinet because your home will be more organized.
When your life is simpler you will also have less stress and more time to exercise and take care of your health. In the long term, it’s easy to see how minimalism can contribute to a healthier you and thus reduce medical expenses!
As for gas, you may use more of it if you like to go on weekend adventures all the time, because you will have the time. But minimalism can save money on gas if you cut commitments that are stressing you out and simplify your schedule.
You see, it’s surprising but when you think about it, it’s easy to see how minimalism saves you money on every day things, ALL THE TIME. And all those little changes will definitely add up in YOUR WALLET! How cool is that!?

Can Minimalism Save Money on Clothing and Household Stuff?
How about clothing and household stuff? Can minimalism save money on stuff like that? Don’t you have to have fancy clothes and furniture to be a minimalist?
No! Take that idea out of your mind. Most of my furniture is stuff my grandma left us. It’s very high quality but it’s not my style. It works though so that’s fine.
As for my clothes, I have a mish-mash of stuff from all the same stores you probably shop at, stuff people have given me, and stuff I made.
Minimalism can save you money on clothing and household things because the minimalist lifestyle is not about having certain things that fit the minimalist aesthetic. It’s about appreciating that you may already have what you need. Minimalism also helps you see that you don’t need as much as you think!
Since I started minimalism I buy a lot less junk for my home and clothing I don’t need. I have become a lot more conscientious about whether or not I actually need something because I don’t want to get clothes just to throw them away and I don’t want to get home décor just to dust it.
When you learn how to live minimalism and save money you start shopping a lot more carefully. All that money your not spending adds up in a big way! Minimalism saves money every time you don’t go shopping!
Can Minimalism Save Money on Housing Expenses?
What about the general cost of housing? Can the minimalism lifestyle help with that? It’s not a magic cure for everything!
You are absolutely right. The minimalist lifestyle can’t change the world around us and the cost of housing can get pretty crazy, especially in some parts of the country.
But minimalism saves money on housing in a way you might not expect. First, let me share what my fellow minimalist Fumio Sasaki said;
“Your things are like roommates except you pay their rent.”
Fumio Sasaki
Think about it. You only take up one square foot at a time. Your house is mostly there to store your stuff, especially if you are a busy person who is never home.
The more stuff you have bigger your house will need to be. And we live in a consumer society that makes us think we will never have enough. But it’s just not true. We don’t need tons of stuff to be happy.
When you learn how to let go of stuff you don’t need, you let minimalism save money on housing that is much bigger than you actually need. That’s how to live minimalist and save money. Just stop storing stuff that doesn’t serve you in return for the rent your paying to keep it!

Minimalism and Saving Money for Fun!
Another great benefit of minimalism that my husband and I have enjoyed is that when you have less stuff and you buy less stuff you don’t have to take care of it either. And all of that adds up to lots of time and money saved.
When minimalism saves money without you even noticing it your bank account builds up and you can actually do fun things like take a trip!
How does that work exactly? Let me explain. When you are buying a lot less junk, paying less rent, burdening yourself with less debt, and generally being a more responsible consumer, you are able to have that money later.
This is one of the top-secret minimalist money-saving tips you wish you knew years ago!
A big part of minimalism is looking for experiences instead of things so when minimalism saves money a minimalist will use that money to have fun doing something they always wanted to do!
These Minimalist Money Saving Tips Can Help You Survive (&Thrive) In Crazy Times!
Minimalism saves money. There’s no way around the honest truth. When you buy less stuff you have more money. And in these crazy times, we all need to be more cautious with our finances.
When you know how to live minimalist and save money you will start living below your means instead of above them. That will help you build an emergency fund, pay off debt, and live with a lot less fear when changing circumstances come along.
But minimalism will help you do more than survive hard times, it will help you thrive. You will find that when others are stressed out you are calm. When others are wondering how to pay the bills you will have money for fun stuff.
As Courtney Carver said; “Stop trying to make ends meet. Instead, work at having fewer ends.”
When you simplify your life and see how minimalism saves you money you will have more time and energy for the things that really matter so why not start today!
Learn How to Live Minimalist and Save Money!
If you want to simplify your life and start saving money like a minimalist it can sound like a big change. But it doesn’t really have to be so hard. It’s just a matter of making small changes in the way you think.
To help you make the minimalist lifestyle something that works for you and makes your life easier I wrote the Doable Simplicity e-book with all the tips and motivation you need to simplify our home, your schedule, and your chores. Stop letting your stuff get in the way. Start simplifying your life and reaching your goals with Doable Simplicity!