How to Stay Positive During Quarantine – 10 GREAT Steps That Work!
I left the house for the first time in 2 weeks to run some masks I made to a friend whose husband works at the hospital where they don’t have enough masks and are taking anything they can get.
I saw the town I live in still bustling with activity and it made me scared and sad about what is to come.
I thought about my friend who is sacrificing so much because of the Pandemic and her husband being a doctor in these difficult times and I came home and cried.
That’s when I wondered how to stay positive during quarantine. I mean, I thought I’d been doing pretty good but now I was breaking down.
Are you feeling that way too? Are you wondering how to stay positive during quarantine? Most people are feel that way right now! It can be hard to find things to do at home that fill our time and our minds with good things.
I’m an introvert and I love being home but it can still be a challenge to keep a positive outlook on life.
Let me share what helps me stay positive during quarantine. These steps help me pull myself out of the puddle on the floor and into a good mental space.
We can all do this together but apart, and maybe even enjoy it a little if we follow these tips.
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1: Stay Positive During Quarantine by Getting Dressed!
I am the first to admit that for the first week of the stay-at-home orders I never wore anything but pajamas. There came a point however when I didn’t feel much like a human anymore.
At that point, I decided that I would start getting dressed every single morning! I even did my hair and makeup!
You know what? It made a huge difference! I started to feel like a human again and because I had a little self worth again I felt more productive and that has helped me maintain a good attitude!
Another benefit of getting dressed was that I felt less disgusting when my husband came home from his “essential” job.
When are wondering how to stay positive during quarantine it’s amazing how big a difference getting dressed every day can make! It’s just good for self-worth and productivity levels!

2: Stay Productive During Quarantine by Writing a To Do List Every Morning.
I don’t have much for a to-do list. That’s what you think. But there is always more than you think! Even if you only have small tasks around the home to accomplish having them written down is a good idea.
When you can stay productive during quarantine it really helps you maintain good self worth.
First of all, when you write all your tasks down, no matter how small, you will be more focused to get them done instead of procrastinating.
Second, it will make you feel accomplished when you check everything off!
Where do you write your list? I absolutely love using planners! This is a habit I started in 2016 and I just love using planners to track work, exercise, to-do lists, and all the fun things we do.
Knowing what you have to do and can do can really help you stay positive during quarantine.
I love the Day Designer for Blue Sky! It has two size options. I like the smaller one. It has monthly and weekly planning pages and it has stickers and pockets and extra paper for notes! It isn’t the fanciest planner out there but it is just right for me!
I write down my to-do list on my weekly section, on the day it is. My monthly pages are where I keep track of my earnings and other important numbers.
I keep track of other things too! For example, any day I exercise gets a sticker which is great motivation!
3: Stay Positive During Quarantine by Doing Your Chores First and Then Having Fun!
Have you ever heard this quote from Mark Twain? It goes:
“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”
Mark Twain
This goes along with the point about writing your to-do list. Tell yourself that you must get the boring or hard things done before you can watch tv, nap, play games, or whatever your favorite chill time activity is.
If you act like these boring tasks are your job you will get them done. After your chores are all finished you can goof off with anything else you like guilt-free!
When you stay productive during quarantine it gives your days the structure you are missing from your normal schedule.
I highly recommend you read Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy. You will find it is very fast reading and really motivates! It motivated me!

4: Stay Positive During Quarantine With Variety
If you want to know to how to stay positive during quarantine your going to have to learn how to add variety to your days!
The thing that can really get you down and make it really hard to survive quarantine with a positive attitude is the feeling that every day is the same and that leads to a feeling of purposelessness.
To create a good attitude about staying home you need to make your days different.
Maybe you have certain days for some work-from-home efforts and other days for hobbies.
Perhaps you have one day of the week for regular house cleaning and laundry and another for house projects like deep cleaning and decluttering.
Maybe some days you do one hobby and on other days you do a different hobby.
Diversity is the key to staying positive during quarantine. This varied schedule will make your days at home fly by!
When every day feels different and there are some fun things planned you will find it easy to have a good attitude about tomorrow!
5: Stay Positive During Quarantine by Reaching Out
If you are going to stay positive during quarantine you can’t isolate yourself!
This may sound contrary to social distancing but it is not! We can contact our friends in so many ways even though we are physically separated!
It’s so important that we make time for people if we are going to keep a good attitude through this hard time.
Don’t let social networking be the only place you go to socialize. I just received a beautiful card from one of my good friends simply telling me how much our friendship means. That was a completely lovely thing for her to do and it really made me feel so loved!
So take the time to get in touch. Whether it be on Zoom, Facetime, a phone call, or a simple text message reaching out to your friends and family will help everyone get through this. We all need someone to take time to listen to our feelings. It’s a great time to drop a line to show you care.
I feel really privileged to be part of a Zoom meeting that is held every morning. It helps me so much just to see my friend’s faces! After a good Zoom coffee date I can’t help but have a good attitude and that helps me survive quarantine!

6: How to Stay Active During Quarantine
Ok, I haven’t achieved this exactly but it’s been my goal. If you do not feel well obviously this doesn’t apply but otherwise, try your best to get some exercise every day.
We are doing all of this to stay healthy and one of the best things you can do for your body is to strengthen it. You do not strengthen it by sitting around all day.
You strengthen your body by making your muscles, heart, and lungs stronger with exercise!
I always walk my dog every day but then I also try to do a workout video. My current obsession is Barre videos on YouTube. I love Barre because I really feel stronger when I am doing it consistently!
If you are wondering how to stay active during quarantine another great option is the Beachbody on Demand subscription! There are soooo many great workouts on there you might never need to go to the gym again!
7: Stay Positive During Quaratine By Getting Sunshine!
I don’t care what you say. We can’t stay inside all the time if we are going to stay positive during quarantine!
If at all possible where you live, get outside a bit.
The fresh air and sunshine will improve your mood and get you the much-needed vitamin D you need.
Did you know that Vitamin D has been proven to slow down or stop the reproduction of viruses especially in the respiratory system? Studies have shown it definitely helps with recovery from Covid-19.
That means it is totally a worthy use of your time to suntan a bit and worth a little bit of money to supplement with vitamins.
I have a porch about the size of a small car and I love to sit out there in the sunshine reading on my Kindle Paperwhite till I get too warm sleepy to think anymore.
Then I take a nap! I never used to have time for a nap so getting one is extra special and I have a very good attitude about this special privelege!

8: Take a Nap!
I’m just saying, naps are my favorite! In fact naps are totally part of my regimen to stay positive during quarantine!
Maybe you are not a nap person but this definitely a good time to learn the habit. I usually can’t nap more than 20 minutes but it’s so nice to just rest a bit and snuggle up with my puppy.
Maybe you have a puppy or maybe you have a baby or a child. Grab them and enjoy a snuggle! Scrolling on your phone does not count as a nap!
9: Love your family!
While we cannot go around visiting we can stay positive during quarantine by enjoying those in our own household.
This is a golden opportunity to reconnect with your spouse! You can also spend amazing quality and quantity time with your children making memories.
Talk to each other. Have a deep conversation. Nourish one another spiritually and emotionally. Do a project or play a game together.
If you want to know how to stay positive during quarantine your family probably feels the same way. Don’t be lonely in the same house.
Just take this time and make it a beautiful time to focus on your family and the things that really matter.

10: Appreciate it!
As I said, I’m an introvert with tons of interests that are pursuable at home but even I have to admit that at the end of week four I have had some days that were emotional and hard to get through.
I try to remember when these times come that not so long ago I was wishing I could just get a little break.
Remember when a whole day at home was a distant dream and would have been relished as a special treat?
I remember feeling that all I wanted in life was just more time, time to be home and care for my home and myself and my family.
This is the time we have been wanting. Sure it came all at once but take a moment to appreciate the beauty of having time to benefit yourself, your family, and your home instead of working for the man!
When you are going crazy and wondering how to stay positive during quarantine remember that you were dying for a break and some time at home not that long ago!
Appreciate that this is time that you can use to rest and improve your life for the future! When you stay productive during quarantine you can use this time to get ready for your next big goal!
You can do it and be better for it!
It can be hard to stay positive during quarantine because we have to stay home and it’s not on our terms.
But now that you know how to stay positive during quarantine, how to stay active during quarantine, and how to stay productive during quarantine you can approach this time in a happier state of mind!
We can still feel productive, healthy, loved, protected, and blessed.
We can take this time to invest back in ourselves, our families, and our homes. If we focus on spirituality and family and put aside our worries over money and toilet paper we can get through this and come out better than before!
Personally, my goal is to come out of this a stronger, thinner, smarter, tanner person who has read some great books and learned some mad blogging skills!
If I have a positive attitude I can not only survive quarantine but also thrive! What will you do to improve yourself and surprise your friends when you see them again? How will you use this time to build a happy simple life?