4 Reasons the Minimalism Trend Is So Popular With Millennials
I didn’t want to admit it and I fought it for as long as I could but you can’t fight with the dictionary. I guess I am technically a “millennial” whether I like it or not.
Not only that but I’m starting to notice that a lot of my fellow millennials are into minimalism.
So why is that? And why is the so-called minimalism trend perfect for millennials? Let’s talk about it!
What Is a Millennial?
I know what you are saying. “I’m not a millennial.”
Deny it all you want but the definition of “millennials” is anyone who was born between 1981-1996. That means the ages of millennials right now would be between 41 and 26. If you fall into that age range you are in fact a millennial.
I was born in 1988 so that puts me right smack dab in the middle of the millennial generation. I just can’t fight it anymore.
Why Should A Millennial Care About the Minimalism Trend?
Did you know that there are a lot of values of millennials that make them drawn towards the minimalist lifestyle? In fact, it could be a big reason that the minimalism trend is surging right now! But why should you care if your millennial values are driving you towards the minimalist lifestyle?
Because when you live in line with your values, you are happier. But maybe you didn’t even know that minimalism is what you need.
I am, in fact. of the opinion that the minimalist lifestyle is for all generations but if you have some of the values of millennials you will find yourself especially drawn to minimalism. And if minimalism would make you happier wouldn’t you like to know why? Let’s talk about it!

Why Don’t You Want to Be a Millennial?
Millennials tend to shy away from their own generation title because we have heard a lot of negative words associated with it including entitled, narcissistic, and wasteful. None of us want to be that way and most of us are not actually coming from a place of privilege.
In fact, studies show that millennials have had to deal with constant economic ups and downs in their working lives, including the Great Recession and the Covid-19 Pandemic. They also deal with a super competitive job market that leaves many behind, and a huge disparity between income and cost of living.
How Do Millennials Approach the World?
Don’t get me wrong though! In my research, I found out there are a lot of good things about millennials too! We are the first generation considered to be digital natives because we grew up intuitively learning to use technology.
Because of that, we feel more connected to our global community, and as a result, we embrace diversity and work hard for social improvement across borders. That’s why we are also called the “first global generation”. We also tend to be more conscious about the environment.
Because of our interest in the environment and the ongoing health of the earth, us millennials tend to be concerned with how we consume and whether we are buying from responsible brands. Minimalism can help you live more sustainably by consuming less in general.
Being a conscious consumer who consumes less is obviously a huge part of the minimalist lifestyle. In fact, the minimalism trend is a huge driving factor behind the increased interest in sustainable and ethical products.
Millennials Love the Minimalism Trend Because It Values Flexibility
Because millennials have had to deal with in such difficult financial times they also may have had to move a lot. Because of that millennials are less likely to want to buy a house right away. They tend to value flexibility over ownership because they know that things can and do change quickly.
They don’t just hold back on the ownership of homes. Millennials also tend to be a little more conservative in their shopping habits in general because moving lots of stuff is not fun! Also, their budgets may not allow them to accumulate at the same rate as other generations with more financial stability.
The minimalism trend is growing with millennials because it helps them stay simple and flexible. Minimalism helps us create calm in a hectic world and it dignifies having less stuff in hard times.

Minimalists and Millennials Value Experiences Instead of Things
Another by-product of the economically uncertain times that most millennials entered the workforce during is that they tend to value experiences over things.
Previous generations desired to buy a house and fill it as soon as they were adults but most millennials want to put off that route in favor of pursuing a career and spending their extra money on travel and leisure.
The minimalist lifestyle is perfect for millennials because one of the core principles of minimalism is the emphasis on having experiences instead of accumulating things. The minimalist lifestyle also highlights how buying things doesn’t bring the same satisfaction as pursuing learning experiences and working on personal development.

The Minimalism Trend Appeals to Millennials Who Drive Collaboration Instead of Competition
Another one of the unique values of millenials is their desire to create collaborative environments instead of competitive ones. This can be seen in the workforce, in social media, and more.
Millennials want to help each other succeed. That might have a lot to do with being digital natives with a focus on diversity. They see the world as a global community in which there is no zero-sum game. Instead, the world is seen as a place where we can all rise together.
The minimalist lifestyle also focuses on collaboration instead of competition. Those who are seeking a simple life are always looking for ways to share resources, rent, or borrow. It is a simple way to survive and thrive without a lot of baggage!
The Minimalist Lifestyle is Perfect for Millenials Like You!
I don’t know about you but I love taking a personality test and finding how right they can be! When I started writing this post I cringed at the word “millennial” and I thought the values of millennials had more to do with selfies and Britney Spears but boy was I wrong!
Now I am glad to be a millennial and I feel very comforted with the idea that many young adults are like me, seeking a simple life that encourages personal growth and a better world. If that sounds like you too, then you have just found out why the minimalism trend is so popular with millennials.
Are you a millennial? Why are you drawn to the minimalist lifestyle? Please share in the comments below!
If you don’t know where to start with the minimalist lifestyle but know you need to simplify your life check out Doable Simplicity (minimalism for normal people)! In this e-book, I will help you simplify your home, your chores, your schedule, and your goals so that you can live a satisfying and meaningful life while working towards your big-picture goals!
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