Simple Living Resources -15 Great Ways to Simplify Life!
Do you want to simplify life and declutter your home? Do you want your days to run more smoothly? I know that’s what I want and I am always looking for new ways to streamline everything that I do!
Here at Doable Simplicity, I am all about making the minimalist lifestyle doable and simplicity attainable in your life! That’s why I make tons of AWESOME simple living resources to help you.
Let me tell you about a few of them now!
Cleaning Checklists and Schedules Help Simplify Life!
The first in a long line of simple living resources I’ve created are my cleaning schedules! If you want to know how to keep life simple a big part of that will be simplifying cleaning because it can’t take so much of our time. But it doesn’t have to!
Cleaning is a fact of life. It doesn’t matter how simple we keep things we are still going to have to clean the house sometimes.
But guess what? I’ve been a cleaning lady for over 15 years and I can help you clean your house with these great cleaning resources!
I have created a cleaning schedule to help simplify cleaning for busy people. It allows you to clean just a little bit every day instead of cleaning your whole house at once.
This helps you keep things clean without getting overwhelmed!
I love to use this daily cleaning schedule when life gets busy because a dirty house does not contribute to peace of mind!
I have also created two different schedules to help with deep cleaning. Deep cleaning your home can become a really big chore if you haven’t done it in a while.
If you want to get your house cleaned deeply in just one week I made a schedule to help you tackle one or two big projects each day.
If however, you just want to maintain your deep cleaning schedule you definitely need to grab the monthly deep cleaning schedule that helps you deep clean one part of your home each month so that you can stay on top of everything without working too hard.
For all three cleaning schedules fill out the form below!
For more tips on cleaning your home naturally, deep cleaning, and how minimalism can help you clean house faster check out these articles:
- How to Clean House Like the Maid
- Deep Clean This Spring! 5 Spots to Tackle Now
- Can Minimalism Help You Clean House?
Simple Living Resources to Help Your Declutter
You are here because you want to know to how to make life simpler. When you are REALLY ready to simplify life you are going to have to do just that, SIMPLIFY!
Almost all of us have fallen prey to the consumer society around us and ended up buying and keeping way too much stuff we don’t need.
We thought bigger was better and more was better but actually, we just ended up buried in stuff. And now we are looking for things to help simplify our lives.
This doesn’t just happen to shopping addicts and hoarders. Even with the best intentions, we end up collecting too much stuff.
That is because we need different things for different activities and parts of our life but when we no longer need something we make tons of excuses to keep it!
Let me help you break through all those excuses with the Excuse Busters reference guide that will help you let go of stuff you don’t need.
If you want a quick win I dare you to try the 1 Weekend Decluttering Challenge which helps you achieve a quick win in your decluttering challenge with checklists and tips for your decluttering scavenger hunt and a FREE E-MAIL MINI COURSE!
But what do you do once you have identified all your clutter? Don’t let it sit in your closet! Grab this step-by-step guide to selling your clutter on Facebook so you don’t have to feel guilty about throwing stuff away!
Declutter your entire home for good!
Decluttering is the most important thing you can do to help simplify life.
But what if you want to declutter your entire house once and for all? What if you are sick and tired of decluttering over and over again and want to start enjoying the benefits of a clutter-free home?
I can help you simplify your house with one of my BEST simple living resources. I created a special decluttering program that will help you declutter your entire home in bite size stages.
I promise you will declutter your whole house without getting overwhelmed or getting rid of more than you want to!
My unique 3-step process will help you declutter your home at a comfortable but effective pace. By the end of this program, you will have a beautiful clutter-free home, some extra cash in your pockets, and the knowledge you need to keep your home clutter-free from now on!
Learn more about the FEARLESS Decluttering E-Book and FINALLY BREAK FREE of all the junk that has been weighing you down!

For more help with decluttering your home read these articles:
- 5 Excuses for Clutter -Great Reasons to Conquer the Clutter!
- Happy Organized Home -7 Dos and Don’ts
- Declutter 5 Spots in Your Home in 1 Hour or Less!
- How Do I Declutter My House Quickly? Try a Declutter Burst!
- What is the REAL Reason You Struggle to Declutter?
- Do You Secretly Like Clutter? 3 Surprising Solutions
- 5 Surprising BENEFITS of a Clutter-free Home!
- My Life is Controlled By Too Much Stuff! Help me!
- How Do I Declutter and Organize My Bathroom? 7 Perfect Solutions!
- Make Your Kitchen Work For You! 4 Ways to Declutter and Organize
- 15 EASY Habits for an ALWAYS Tidy Home!
A Tidy Closet Will Help Simplify Your Life!
A big part of learning how to make life simpler is learning how to simplify your wardrobe. After all, clothes are part of every day life!
I have found that the single biggest challenge for me in my simplifying journey has been my closet. I love clothes, I sew clothes, and I am way too attached to my clothes! If you are like me you may be drowning in an overflowing closet and have trouble deciding what to wear each day.
But I can help you because I have learned how to let go of clothes I don’t love to wear and I am so much happier with my tidy simple closet!
For a quick win grab your FREE Closet Clean-out Guide, print it out, put on some good music, and let go of all the clothes that don’t survive the steps in the guide!
If you are still having trouble and you need more help to let go of your clothes, find your unique and colorful minimalist wardrobe, keep your closet organized seasonally, and keep your closet organized without buying a bunch of fancy containers grab the Closet Simplicity E-Book NOW!
I guarantee that this book full of totally exclusive content will help simplify your wardrobe so you can love your closet, enjoy your clothes, and feel absolutely fantastic every single day!

For more help organizing your closet and creating your minimalist wardrobe you may enjoy these articles:
- Closet Cleanout -8 Questions to Help
- A Colorful Minimalist Wardrobe for You!
- Cheap (or FREE) Closet Hacks For A Tidy Closet!
- Seasonal Closet Organization -The Fun Way Minimalists Get New Clothes!
- Experiment With An Easy Minimalist Wardrobe! Try Project 333
- Is a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe Easy? 5 Lessons From Project 333
- Break The Project 333 Rules! Try This Awesome Minimalist Fashion Challenge Your Way
- Learn How to Make Clothes Last Longer -EASY Clothing Care Tips That Really Work!
- A Minimalist Packing List to Keep Travel Fun & Simple!
- How to Stop Buying Clothes! 7 Great Tips to Help You Shop Less!
- Learn How to Dress Like a Minimalist -7 Rules to Know & Break!
Simple Living Resources about Minimalism
We all want a happy simple life. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to simplify your life.
But maybe the word “minimalism” scares you a little. Let me tell you a secret. It used to scare me too.
But the more I simplify my life the more I appreciate the benefits of living with only the things I love and use!
That is why I am passionate about helping you to make simplicity doable in your life!
I know that when you clear out the clutter and learn how to keep life simple you will be able to focus what really matters.
Then you will find yourself spending more of your days doing the things you love to do with the people you love to do them with. That is what life is really all about!
Get started with your minimalist journey.
To help find your why, stay motivated, and think like a minimalist every day grab your Minimalist Journey Workbook or the Minimalist Jumpstart Guide.
These two simple living resources will help get the minimalist mindset that will help you keep your life simple. They will help you to envision your path to a simple life and get there fast!
If you are really wondering how your life will change with the minimalist lifestyle and want straightforward action steps to simplify the many different parts of your life grab the Doable Simplicity E-Book to help you find out minimalism can work for normal people!

Simplify Life With These Great Resources and More!
Any time you want to make a big change in your life you are going to need motivation and encouragement.
I am always hearing new challenges from my readers and looking for new solutions. Learning how to make life simpler is an every evolving process in your ever changing life and you need support from people who want to keep life simple.
That is what Doable Simplicity is here for. I am always looking for new ways to help normal people pursue the right level of minimalism for them. Every week I write a new post based on the struggles and triumphs I see in our simple living community.
For a complete list of my recommended simple living resources and products check out my resource page!
Let me help you simplify your life one week at a time by signing up for my weekly newsletter! Each week I will send you the latest post and extra tips. Whenever I make a new resource I will share it with you. Join us and make simplicity doable in your life!