Can You Clear The Clutter When You Have No Energy?
Do you know what holds a lot of people back from decluttering? It’s having no energy. That’s right! It’s easy to see why it sounds so hard to clear the clutter when you have no energy. It might even sound impossible! But you don’t have to feel that way.
Why do people have no energy for decluttering?
I’ve seen a lot of scenarios. Sometimes people don’t have the energy for decluttering because of their busy schedules. But a lot of times it is because of depression and anxiety, advancing age, limited mobility, or chronic illness. Sometimes it is a combination of a few of those things.
Regardless of what the cause is, it is very hard to clear the clutter in your house when you have no energy. But it can also become crippling to let the clutter grow and grow.
That’s why I have thought long and hard about ways to make it easier. I am so excited to share my 5 ways to declutter your house when you have no energy!
Why Should You Clear The Clutter?
Do you feel like you have no energy or are you are struggling with emotional or physical illness? If so, you may wonder why you should even bother with decluttering. Isn’t it easier to just leave everything where it is?
But the truth is, while it may be easier to ignore all that stuff in the short term in the long term it’s just going to add a lot of stress to your life.
Did you know that scientists have actually done studies proving that your cortisol (stress hormone) level rises when you look at a cluttered room? That’s right. Clutter can contribute in a big way to stress and anxiety. Feelings of overwhelm can also make you feel stuck and depressed.
On top of that, the more cluttered your home is the harder it is going to be to find things. It could even make it harder to move around in your home.
For that reason, taking the time to figure out how to declutter your home is definitely worth it. In fact, it might be just what you need! When you clear the clutter in your home you will actually be making it easier for yourself to do the things you can do with the energy you have. You will also be helping yourself have a more positive and calm viewpoint.
So let’s get started with 5 ways to declutter your house when you have no energy!

Clear the Clutter Gradually: Get Rid of Only 10 Items a Week
I have heard a lot of people say they will get started decluttering when this or that is better. Or they are waiting to get past a certain event. But the fact is, the perfect time will never come. Life will always keep us busy. That’s why it is important to do just a little bit, consistently.
Here’s what you can do. Declutter just 10 items every single week. That isn’t very much but in one year you will have decluttered 520 items. That will make a big difference! In fact, decluttering just 10 items each week is one of the best ways to declutter your house when you have no energy!
A lot of things you will declutter like old mail and paperwork, empty bottles, and lonely socks can just be thrown away.
Other things like books, clothing, small appliances, etc. can be donated! For anything, you want to donate put it in a laundry basket or a bag. Plan on taking it down to the donation center on errand day.
PS: Even stuff you trash counts towards your 10 items for the week! You are trying to clear the clutter and clutter can be stuff like amazon boxes and broken hairbrushes!
Sit Down & Clear The Clutter in Small Piles
Did you know that clutter is very social? It hangs out in little piles all over your house. You may even have a pile right next to you. Now is the time for you to bust up the party.
Pick a pile. Sit next to it and just go through what is there. Make new piles. You will make one pile of stuff you need to put away somewhere else in the house. Another one will be for things you want to donate or sell. And the last pile is for trash. You will probably be able to throw away about half of it. Then you can put away some of it and throw what is left in your donation basket.
When you have busted through a pile that has been sitting there and growing for a long time you are going to feel great! Take a look at that space and enjoy how much better it looks without the pile.
If you only tackle one pile at a time you will find it very manageable instead of overwhelming!

Make Things Handy But Organized
A lot of these little piles around the house are created by a certain way of thinking. That is the idea that there is no point in putting something away because you will need it later. There are a few big problems with this way of thinking though.
For one thing, when you leave something out all the time but only use it once in a while it is still in your way 100% of the time. That actually makes it harder to do other things in that space.
Another problem is that when you actually need the item you probably won’t remember where you left it and you will find yourself wasting time and energy looking for it.
Instead of leaving things out so they are handy, it’s best to find a home for everything. But we can meet in the middle. Let’s create an organizational solution that is handy by having it right where you need it.
For example, if you tend to accumulate bills you need to pay on your desk get a desk organizer. That way they can be organized until you get to them. If you need several remotes for your TV get a small basket for them to be in on your coffee table. Do you like to have your hairbrush and your makeup easily accessible in the bathroom? Don’t leave them all over the counter. Put them in small containers inside the top drawer or on a vanity shelf so they are easy to bring out and put back. In our tiny studio apartment, I kept my makeup inside a pencil holder that sat on the counter.
The easiest way to clear the clutter in your house is to put it away when you are done using it!
Schedule Donation Pickup or List On Facebook
Another big hurdle you might face as you declutter your home when you have no energy is the feeling of overwhelm when it comes to getting rid of all the stuff you have decluttered. If you only donate 10 items a week that will help you avoid this to some extent. But what else can you do to get rid of stuff?
One great way to have others help you clear the clutter that is in good shape is to sell it on Facebook. I like to sell stuff on Facebook because it doesn’t take too much effort and I don’t have to go anywhere. All I do is take pictures of the item I want to get rid of, list it on Facebook, and then tell the people to pick it up from my front porch. I usually have them leave the money in a jar or something I have set out for that purpose and I have never had anyone grab and run!
Selling your stuff on Facebook Marketplace is an especially good option if you have anything big or hard to get rid of because they will pick it up for you! To read full instructions on how to do it read about how I made over $1,500 selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace!
Or you can have the donation center pick it up!
Another great way to get rid of things is to have a donation center pick it up! You can call almost any donation center and make an appointment for them to come and pick up your stuff. How awesome is that!? You can have them clear the clutter! All you have to do is find it!
This is a popular thing to do at the end of a yard sale but if you don’t care about selling your stuff just get it all together in a pile in your garage or at the front of your house and have the donation center of your choice pick it up for you!
Ask For Help
Whatever way you choose to declutter you may still need help to lift heavy things. You might also need help getting it all together for pickup or running it down to the donation center. You may even need help knowing what to declutter and sorting through your things.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your kids, nice neighbors, friends, and family members can help you achieve your goal of simplifying your life if you just ask.
Tell them what you need them to do for you and make it easy for them to help you by having the things you can put together ready for them.

You Can Clear the Clutter When You Have No Energy!
I know that it can be hard to know where to start decluttering when overwhelmed and when you don’t have the energy. There are times when I don’t feel like I have the mental or physical energy to deal with sorting through stuff and finding a way to get rid of it.
But, the benefits of decluttering your home really are worth the effort. It will be easier to find things you’re looking for, easier to clean your home, and easier to get around in your home. You will have a lot less stress and you will be more ready to invite your friends and family to visit you which will, in turn, bring you joy!
I promise you will enjoy clutter free living and you can achieve it!
Don’t put off decluttering because of a lack of energy or a feeling of overwhelm anymore. If you need more help knowing what to declutter and getting through the fears that make you keep things check out the Fearless Decluttering E-Book and Printable pages which are designed to help you do just that! Grab it and finally start to clear the clutter today!