Start Embracing Minimalism – 10 Great Reasons Minimalism is What You Need!
A lot of people are choosing a simple minimalist lifestyle right now. But have you have wondered if it’s really a necessity? Why do we need minimalism? How can minimalism help you with your very real problems? Do you really need to become a minimalist?
You may have thought you could never become a minimalist or that it’s only for the rich but think again!
Let’s talk about 10 reasons that you might NEED to start embracing minimalism ASAP.
You Might Need to Start Embracing Minimalism if You Are Stressed Out
If you are feeling stressed out by your daily life there is a chance you are suffering from decision fatigue. We have so many choices to make every single day. What will I wear today? Do I want a bagel or an egg for breakfast? Do I want to buy carrots or organic carrots? And the list goes on and on.
There are a lot of choices we have to make each day but there are some choices we can simplify by owning less and there are other choices we can get rid of entirely.
You might need to start embracing minimalism if all the decision fatigue in your daily life is stressing you out.

You Might Need to Start Embracing Minimalism if You Are REALLY Busy
Are you tired of spending every weekend trying to catch up on house and yard work? Do you have fun plans for the weekend you have to cancel to clean, store, and maintain the toys you are supposed to be playing with?
If you feel like you can never catch up with your chores you have found another one of the great reasons to be a minimalist! Maybe, if you are hardly ever home because you are so busy then you might not need to have so much stuff in your house anyway.

If You Are Broke You Might NEED to Become a Minimalist
Sick of living paycheck to paycheck? Tired of being broke and never getting ahead? Maybe you are drowning in debt?
If you are always broke then minimalist habits might help you turn that around. When you are more careful with your shopping habits you save a lot of money.
When you simplify your life you might shed some big debts.
And when you are seeking simplicity instead of more more more you might just start to see money piling up in your savings account! The financial benefits of minimalism are a great reason to become a minimalist!
If You Live in a Small Space Embracing Minimalism Is the Solution!
If you are renting a tiny apartment and you are dreaming of a big house then I totally know how you feel!
I lived in a 400 square foot apartment for 10 years. At first, I couldn’t wait to get out of there but then I got serious about decluttering and minimalism and my tiny apartment became my dream home! I loved it and I still miss it.

If You Have to Move Back In with Family Embracing Minimalism Will Make it Easier!
There has been a lot of financial upheavals lately and even before the pandemic rent prices were skyrocketing.
It is extremely common for people to have to move back in with family at some point. We combined resources with my parents during the pandemic and it was the best thing we could have done.
But you know what made it easy? We already lived a simple life and had reduced our possessions. That made it fast and easy to move and we fit into our new space without any problems!
You never know what will happen in the future but simplifying your life and embracing minimalism will give you the flexibility you need to roll with the punches.
Do You Move Often?
Maybe you don’t live in a small space and you don’t live with your family. But do you move often? Does your job require you to move? Are you not sure where you want to live quite yet?
If you are looking for reasons to be a minimalist the ease of moving from place to place may rank high on your list!
If you move often, make it easier on yourself. The less you own the less you have to move.
Keep the stuff that you need, use, and love but don’t drag around a bunch of extra stuff that doesn’t mean anything to you.

Embracing Minimalism Might Help You Travel More!
When you start embracing minimalism you will find that minimalism can save money!
As you become a minimalist you will pay off debt and start saving money. That will ease your financial burden. Then you will be able to find more time and energy for the things you love to do.
This may free up the funds and time you need to travel more. And when you pack like a minimalist you will be more mobile on your trip.
Think about it. Wouldn’t it be nice to see more of the world and less of your junk?
Embracing Minimalism Creates More Time for Your Passion
Are you an artist, a dancer, a jewelry maker, a seamstress, or a musician? Do you want to go to the Olympics or are you deeply involved in volunteer work that makes you feel whole and helpful in the world?
If you have something you are passionate about doing you need to devote a lot of time to it.
Instead of letting things slide because you are involved in your passion don’t have the things at all!
One of the best reasons to be a minimalist is that minimalism will help you have more time to do what you love and less guilt about not doing the rest.

Embracing Minimalism Can Help You Cope With a Health Problem
One of the most famous minimalists on the internet is Courtney Carver. She became a minimalist after a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. To reduce stress she paid off debt and simplified her entire life, including her closet!
I know many others who have chosen a simple minimalist lifestyle because of lupus, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis.
If you have a health problem that makes everyday life harder simplifying what you own and need to move around will significantly improve your life.
Having fewer clothes to fold, fewer dishes to wash, a smaller house to walk around, and less junk to worry about may lighten your load and make everyday life easier and more enjoyable.
Embracing minimalism also reduces stress helps you manage anxiety which great for your health!
If Your Life is Changing You Might Need to Become a Minimalist
I think you would agree that life is always changing. And for every change in our life, we may need different things. But if we only keep what we need and love we will not be burdened when we need to move to the next part of our life.
If you are young you may need to become a minimalist because you have your whole life ahead of you and you need to be ready to jump at any opportunity that presents itself.
When you are getting older you might want to start embracing minimalism because you don’t want to burden your family with a house full of stuff when you are gone.
As you have a family you may need to keep things simple so you can be present for your kids instead of working all the time.
If your life is changing, growing, and moving you might need to become a minimalist to keep up!

It Might Not Be a Choice, It Might Be a Necessity
You might think that minimalism is a fancy lifestyle for those who are privileged enough to throw stuff away. That is not true.
Embracing minimalism is about breaking free of the consumerism that surrounds us and finding out what you really need and what you really enjoy and letting go of the rest so that you can enjoy your life.
The principles of minimalism are timeless and can apply to anyone’s life!
No matter what your everyday challenges are, you wouldn’t want to try to do them with a 100-pound backpack on your back. Why then, do we insist on carrying so much weight in our life? Choosing a simple minimalist lifestyle may not be a choice at all. It might be a necessity.
Why do you need the minimalist lifestyle? How could it make your life easier? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!
Start Becoming a Minimalist Today! It’s EASY!
There is really no reason not to start enjoying simple living! Now is the time to try the minimalist lifestyle! Learn why minimalism is good for your mental health and relationships, how it can transform your finances, so you can start having more energy and time for the things that matter!
But what if simplifying your life sounds like an overwhelming task?
If you want to simplify your life but the big bad word MINIMALISM scares you let me help! I wrote Doable Simplicity (Minimalism For Normal People) to help you get the inspiration you need to simplify your life and then take solid steps that make simple living doable for you!