Make the Best of It -6 Ways Minimalism Can Help
Sometimes you can’t take the trip, get together with all your family, or buy all the things you want. Sometimes things just aren’t the way you dream of them being. That’s when you have to make the best of it.
We have had to make the best of it a lot due to the Pandemic when we had to find things to do at home and it was very hard to stay positive. But we learned…
What Does it Mean to “Make the Best of It”?
What does “make the best of it” mean? The dictionary says that it can mean two different things.
1: To use something in an effective way as in: “We may not get another chance so we better make the best of this opportunity.”
2: To deal with a bad situation as well as possible as in: “Life is not very good right now but let’s try to make the best of it.”
Basically when you “make the best of it” you are looking for the positives and focusing on using those positive aspects in your life in the best way possible.
So how can minimalism help you to make the best of it? Let’s find out!

Minimalism Can Help You Make The Best of It When You Can’t Afford Gifts
Did you know that the average American went $1,325 into debt for the holiday season of 2019? That of course means that some people didn’t go into debt at all and some went into much worse debt than that!
Now, I’ve never been in this position, but I can assume that going into debt to buy gifts takes a little joy out of giving.
Yet, many people feel obligated to specific times for gift giving and feel awful if they can’t keep up with all the gifts that they are supposed to buy. To make it worse more and more is expected with consumer electronics and other fancy gadgets being the most popular type of gift.
But what if you can’t buy the gifts and you don’t want to go into debt to do so? How can minimalism help you make the best of it?
Minimalism can help you and your family shift your focus away from material things and towards experiences. You can make the time you have with family a time to enjoy one another’s skills and stories. You can be happy you are not bringing more clutter into your life but instead making memories that will never be thrown away.

Minimalism Can Help You Make the Best of It When You Can’t All Get Together
It can be very disappointing to plan on getting together as a family just for it to all fall apart. We have definitely learned this over the last couple of years.
But we have learned new skills too! We have learned how to make zoom a part of daily life and how to show our love from a distance.
Minimalism helps us to enjoy these new avenues of showing our love for our family by teaching us to be present, in the moment, and appreciate what we already have.
In this time in history, unlike any other, we can get together with anyone we love no matter where they live. If you are lonely or sad, take the initiative and get creative. Make a coffee date with a friend that lives far away. Make a music or game night with a group of friends. Have a baking party with your family members no matter where they are.
Stop feeling sad and make the best of it! There are still things to do with family and friends!

When You Can’t Go on A Trip
Have you ever planned a trip and had to cancel at the last minute? What a bummer. Have you ever seen all your friends taking trips but knew you couldn’t afford one yourself? There’s nothing worse.
Life has its ups and downs but when you can’t go on a trip you can still make the best of it! Minimalism teaches us to be creative with our resources and take our entertainment into our own hands.
So you can’t go to Rome? Did you know there are virtual tours online? You can’t afford a beach vacation in Mexico? Maybe it’s time to learn Spanish with Duolingo so you will be ready when you can. You can’t hop a flight to your dream adventure to India? It’s time to hit the kitchen and bring India to you! Your family trip to Yosemite fell through? Check out the natural beauties that are closer to home!
I speak from experience here. As a little girl whose favorite Disney Princess was Jasmine, I have always wanted to travel the world but I haven’t had the money to do so YET. So what did I do instead? I made the best of it!
Make The Best of It When You Have No Savings In the Bank
We are all just trying to get by these days. Did you know that nearly 25% of Americans have NO emergency savings and more than half of American’s do not have 3 months of expenses saved? That’s right, if you have no savings right now, that is NORMAL.
But how can minimalism help you make the best of it and then make it better?
First of all, when you learn to think like a minimalist, you remove yourself from the vicious cycle of consumerism which means that you are no longer worried about keeping up with the Joneses. When you aren’t tying your personal worth to the amount of money and stuff you have you will be less devastated when you don’t have much.
Another way that minimalism can help you when you are broke, is it can help you stop being broke. When you stop buying random junk you don’t need, living in a bigger house than you need, keeping payments for weekend toys you don’t use, and going to movies and dinner when you can’t afford it, you will start to notice that your savings starts to grow.
By saving money every day with little changes you will be making the best of the good times so that you will be less insecure when times are hard.

Make The Best of It When You Are In Debt
What if you are already drowning in debt and you have no way out? You are not alone. The average American has debt in the ballpark of 52,940 which includes a lot of the bigger debts like mortgages and credit card debt but also includes around $6,194 of credit card debt.
When you are in deep debt it can be hard to see the way out. But here’s the thing. There is a way out. Start thinking like a minimalist.
Do you really need that fancy truck or could you trade it back and get a used car that will get you to work and back?
Can you temporarily become a single car family? It may take a schedule adjustment but you could save hundreds a month.
Can you sell a travel trailer or some recreational vehicles?
Do you know how many music and video subscriptions you are paying for? Do you use all of them? Can you drop some of them?
Is your house bigger than you really need? Can you sell it and pay off debt while renting a smaller place.
Can you sell some of your extra junk? I made over $1,500 in one summer selling cheap clutter on Facebook.
When you start thinking about what you really need and liquidating the rest you can actually regain a lot of money and pay off debt!

Make the Best of It When You Don’t Feel Your Best
One of the hardest things any of us can go through is a health problem. When you have a health problem it can make it hard to see the good in life. How can you make the best of it?
Simplify your life. Try slow living. Don’t sap your energy with unnecessary commitments. Save it for what you actually need to and want to do. Don’t make cleaning your house harder with a cluttered house. Keep a planner to make sure that the important things get done with the resources and energy you have.
Minimalism can help you make the best of a health problem by making things easier to get done but it can help you in another way. It can help you put the value back on what really matters. You shouldn’t spend your time and energy on things. You should spend it with the people you love, making beautiful memories. Nothing else really matters.

When You Have to Make the Best of It, You Might Just Find the Best of It
Have you noticed that the simple eye you gain from thinking and living like a minimalist can help you turn almost any situation around? That’s because it removes all the extra junk and puts the focus on people and the things that make life worth living.
When the chips are down and you have to make the best of it you start focusing and what you had all along: your family, your creativity, nature, and most of all love.
If you have to make the best of it this year, for whatever reason, take a minute to count your blessings, and maybe you will not just make the best of it, but you will also find the best of it.
How do you make the best out of less than desirable situations? What do you do to stay positive? Please share in the comments below!
Start Enjoy The Simple Life!
I know you want to live a happy simple life and there is really no reason not to start enjoying simple living!
Now is the time to try the minimalist lifestyle! Learn why minimalism is good for your mental health and relationships, and how it can transform your finances, so you can start having more energy and time for the things that matter!
But what if simplifying your life sounds like an overwhelming task?
If you want to simplify your life but the big bad word MINIMALISM scares you let me help! I wrote Doable Simplicity (Minimalism For Normal People) to help you get the inspiration you need to simplify your life and then take solid steps that make simple living doable for you!