5 Amazing Benefits of Minimalism That Will Make You Want to Simplify!
You are living in a bigger is better society and yet there is this constant murmur about minimalism. But that murmur is growing and it’s growing into a roar because people are finding that when you simplify your life and strive for a minimalist lifestyle benefits are many.
So what are the benefits of minimalism? Does living a minimalist lifestyle make a happy life? How can you have a happy simple life?
Let’s discuss 5 ways the minimalist lifestyle can help you simplify your life and choose to be happy.
5 Benefits of Minimalism:
- Minimalism will help you pay off and avoid debt and start saving money instead.
- The minimalist lifestyle will help you have more time and energy for things you enjoy.
- Simplifying with minimalism is good for your mental health.
- Minimalism will allow you to give more time & attention to those you love.
- The minimalist lifestyle will help you focus on your big picture goals & achieve them.
The Benefits of Minimalism Are A Result of Simplifying Your Life
When you think about your life, what are the parts of your life that make you happy? Do you picture your house or your car or your bank account?
No! When you are thinking about the parts of your life that make you happy you are probably picturing your family and the time you spend with them.
The benefits of minimalism all come from the fact that when you simplify your life you have more of what makes you happy.
Many of us have built our lives up into a complicated mess that is actually way more than we want and way more than we can handle. Our lives just leave us stressed out.
It’s time for you to get the resources you need to simplify your life and enjoy the benefits of minimalism instead. Let’s find out what the benefits of being a minimalist are so you can start to enjoy them!
The Minimalist Lifestyle Benefits for Your Finances
I think we can agree that money often creates stress. When we don’t have enough it’s very stressful but even those who have plenty of money worry about losing it.
Many people bury themselves in huge amounts of debt and call that the American dream. We have car payments, mortgages, student loans, and credit card debt. It’s like an elephant sitting on our chest.
So what are the benefits of minimalism for your finances?
Minimalism attacks financial worries at their root. When you learn to want less and you downsize your possessions and reduce your spending you will find that you can pay off debts and have more wiggle room in your budget.
You will also be able to find the money you never used to have will start to build up in your savings and you will have less stress when financial surprises surface.
My husband and I can’t always say this, because you know, sometimes we need to buy a car, but we are debt free most of the time. That is one of the biggest benefits of minimalism we have enjoyed!

The Benefits of Minimalism For Your Time and Energy
I don’t know if you feel this way, but I guard my time and energy much more jealously than I do my money.
Here’s the thing, our modern society is pulling us in way too many directions and we are expected to be wives, mothers, lady-bosses, teachers, volunteers, and more all at once.
The beautiful thing is, we are amazing and multi-faceted and we usually ace a lot of what we try to achieve! The hard truth is we might be killing ourselves in the process.
When a friend of mine had a bad spell of adrenal fatigue I realized that I didn’t have to kill it all the time. I could say no to things.
Minimalism can help you simplify what you own and thus have less to take care of.
But one of the benefits of being a minimalist is that it can also help you simplify your life by honing your prioritizing skills. In fact it’s one of the best things I’ve learned from minimalism!
The more you practice deciding what is necessary and what is not necessary in your life the better you will become at saying no to things you don’t need to do.
That is how the minimalist lifestyle benefits your schedule and will give you back your time and energy. You will begin using those precious resources for what really matters and stop wasting them on what doesn’t.

The Benefits of Minimalism for Your Mental Health
It seems that everyone is stressed out and exhausted. Why? Because we are asking our mind to focus on a million things at once and we are always trying to get more.
Haven’t you ever wondered why movie stars are always doing drugs and killing themselves? It’s because they are looking for things to make them happy and they are never satisfied.
If you were starving your whole life it would make it hard to want to keep on living.
And that is exactly what the consumer society around us makes us think. It makes us think we are starving and we will never ever get full because as soon as we buy the latest and greatest there is something greater we need instead.
One of the most important benefits of being a minimalist is it helps us to put money and things back in their place, reduce what we expect of our minds each day, and finally feel contentment.
You will enjoy this feeling of contentment so much! This is one of the benefits of minimalism that will truly make you happy! Minimalism will help you stop feeling hangry, anxious and discontented. It will help you see all you have and feel full and happy instead.

Minimalism Can Benefit Your Family and Even Your Friends!
Did you know that financial problems are the second most common cause of divorce? Yes! Money causes a lot of stress and so do overtaxed schedules that don’t leave time for family togetherness.
But as you have seen, minimalism can ease financial stress and help us pair down our schedules. That benefits our families in enormous ways!
The most important thing we can give to our families is our time. Minimalism is all about taking the focus off of things and putting the priority on people.
When we “love people and use things” we are able to create wonderful experiences with our families, as well as just being there and present for them every day.
Minimalism can improve your friendships too! How? For the same reason as it benefits our families. When you simplify your life you will have more time to get together with your friends and your time together will not feel strained by the competitive nature of the consumer society.
Your friends won’t feel like they have to keep up with the Joneses if the Joneses aren’t worried about stuff.

Simplify Your Life So That Your Dreams Can Come True!
It sounds crazy to say that the benefits of minimalism can make your dreams come true. I’m saying it anyway.
You tell me how having a house, a garage, and a storage shed full of junk you don’t even remember helps you achieve your goals.
Spending less, storing less, moving less, and maintaining less means that you have more time, energy, and money to devote to your BIG PICTURE life goals!
If you are wondering about the benefits of being a minimalist look at some of the most successful people of our time who are minimalists! People like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Michael Bloomberg choose to live with less so they can focus on their goals.
Do you want to work from home or move to another country? Maybe you want to be the world’s best violin player or run in marathons? Do you want to open your own business where you sell your creative works of art? Are you dreaming of city living or a simple life in the country?
Whatever you want to do, it will be easier to achieve when you lighten your load.
Would you climb a mountain with a hundred-pound backpack on your back? No! Drop all that extra stuff and strive for bigger and better things! The benefits of minimalism will culminate in the life you have been dreaming of.
Simplify Your Life So That You Can Enjoy The Benefits of Minimalism!
If you read this article and honestly thought about your life then you are realizing you need to simplify your life to enjoy all the great benefits of minimalism.
How can you do this? Start by simplifying your shopping habits, decluttering your home, and consolidating your schedule. Try to put some things on the back burner in favor of time with your family and time for self-care.
When you simplify your life and make minimalism fit and serve your lifestyle you will slowly but surely start enjoying the benefits of being a minimalist.
What benefits have you experienced from simplifying your life with the minimalist lifestyle? Please share in the comments below!

How Can You Start The Minimalist Lifestyle?
There is really no reason not to start enjoying all the benefits of minimalism! Now is the time to try the minimalist lifestyle! Learn why minimalism is good for your mental health and relationships, how it can transform your finances, so you can start having more energy and time for the things that matter!
But what if simplifying your life sounds like an overwhelming task?
If you want to simplify your life but the big bad word MINIMALISM scares you let me help! I wrote Doable Simplicity (Minimalism For Normal People) to help you get the inspiration you need to simplify your life and then take solid steps that make simple living doable for you!
Start enjoying all the benefits of minimalism today!

11 year ago, we met a couple who called themselves “minimalists,” and were inspired by their streamlined, low-stress lifestyle. Since then, we’ve experienced every “level” of minimalism, from living on a 100-square-foot sailboat, to renting a wide open apartment above a store. It is a lifestyle that is about creating your own adventure and focusing on your own priorities! 🙂
Great point Bethany! I think it’s amazing that you have explored so many types of minimalist living. I think that’s the best benefit of minimalism! Freedom and flexibility!