Try A Seasonal Closet Organization and Enjoy A Simple Wardrobe!
I’m a girl and I like pretty new things. A trip to Target sounds just as fun and sparkly and intoxicating to me as it does to you! We all like new things but the fact is we don’t need new things all the time. In fact, a lot of our clothing is still in great shape and we still love it. It’s just not new.
But if we are trying to keep things simple and live the minimalist lifestyle we probably shouldn’t buy new stuff all the time. So how can we make old clothes feel new again and keep our closet tidy and minimal?
The solution lies in how you organize your closet.
Do you do a seasonal closet organization? If not, stay with me, find out how to do it and why you should!
Why I love to do a Seasonal Closet Organization
I understand why you might feel that doing a seasonal closet organization is unnecessary. Maybe all your clothes fit in your closet just fine and you don’t see the need to do a swap out two to four times a year. But let me give you my backstory to help you see why I love to do a seasonal closet organization.
First of all, I wasn’t always a minimalist and I still struggle to be completely minimalist when it comes to clothing. I like bright colors and I have a few different types of jobs that require different types of clothes. So I will be honest with you when I say that I am still on the journey to becoming minimalist with my wardrobe.
That is why I started my habit of a seasonal closet organization. When I lived in a 400 square foot studio apartment and shared a small closet with my husband I did it because I simply didn’t have the room for all my clothes. That’s when I started paring down my clothes.
That, however, is not the only reason to change your clothing with the seasons. Here are a few great reasons to do a seasonal closet organization:
- It’s a good time to purge.
- You will find it easier to discover your personal style.
- It will save you time when you choose your clothes each day.
- Your closet will be easier to keep tidy.
- It makes you feel like you get all new clothes twice a year!
So now that you know why I like seasonal closet organization let’s talk about how you can organize your closet by season too!

How Often Do You Do a Seasonal Closet Organization?
I like to change my closet out twice a year. This is split by spring/summer and fall/winter clothes. I do this because it makes the most sense for my area. It may make sense for your area too.
Think about it. In the spring and summer we generally want to wear lighter clothing with brighter colors and in the winter we normally wear heavier fabrics and darker or warmer colors.
I always look forward to changing my clothes over for a couple weeks before I need to because it fills that need us girls have to get new and pretty clothes! I know that when I change to my other set of clothes it will feel like I’ve got a whole new wardrobe!
How do You Know It’s Time to Do a Seasonal Closet Organization?
Because I’m a girl and I like pretty things I tend to start getting antsy to change my clothes over a little too early for the actual weather but I try not to be too lopsided about doing my seasonal closet organization.
In my area, I want to split the year by about 6 months so generally, I will try to change my closet at the beginning of October and the beginning of April, give or take a couple of weeks. I live in an area where we may get a few more warm days in October and a few more cold days in April but that’s why I keep some good layering pieces in the mix all the time! Some examples of clothes that may always stay out are below:
- Light jackets
- Cardigans
- Nice Blouses
- Jeans and Pants
- T-Shirts

What Do You Change?
When I do my seasonal closet organization I like to put away whatever I will not need or feel like wearing for the upcoming six months.
When it is time to change to fall and winter clothes I put away all my pretty summer dresses, (I like to sew so I do have a few more than I need) shorts, tank tops, and anything with very light fabric or super colorful summery patterns. I also put away undergarments and pajamas that are suited to warmer weather as well as sandals and swimwear.
When it is time to change over to spring and summer clothes I put away my warmer dresses and skirts, sweaters, long sleeve shirts, flannel pjs, scarves, hats, gloves, tights, and heavy pants like corduroys or thick jeans. I also put away my heavy coats, boots, and winter shoes. There is no need for these things to be cluttering up my closet during the summertime.
What If It Could Go Either Way?
You may find that a lot of your clothes work year-round. That is good. You are doing well at picking versatile and useful clothing. I mentioned earlier that a few items like blouses that you can layer with light jackets and most pants can be kept out all year long.
However, for everything else, I encourage you to be strict about what you really will feel like wearing during each half of the year. Why? Because that pretty lightweight shirt you have really won’t be warm enough but it will be in the way. If you put it away for six months you will be so excited to wear it again when it’s time to bring it back out!
I have found that having a seasonal wardrobe has helped me to resist the urge to shop because I know that when it is time I will have great clothes I love and it will feel all new and fresh again! You can only get that feeling if you are strict about putting your out-of-season clothing away.
One clue that you are keeping too much of the wrong season in your closet is that you will find it harder to organize your closet and keep it that way. That is because there is too much there that doesn’t get used. It’s just getting in the way because it either belongs in another season or it

Use Your Seasonal Closet Organization to Purge!
I use my seasonal closet organization as the main time I purge my wardrobe. This is the time to look at the clothes from the season you are finishing and honestly appraise them with the following questions.
- Have I worn this item in the last six months?
- Is this item worn out?
- Does this item still fit me well?
- Did I enjoy wearing this item or did I wear it just so I could keep it? (Trust me, I’ve done it.)
- Is this item just like another item I like better and wear more?
With every change of season, I am able to let go of at least 10 pieces and sometimes whole trash bags full! You will find that you are able to let go of more and more as you progress in your minimalist journey! In time your closet will be really tidy and paired down!
For more help to know what to let go of read this article about how to do a closet cleanout and grab your FREE PRINTABLE closet clean-out guide!
A Seasonal Closet Organization Will Help You Find Your Personal Style!
How do you find your personal style? Believe it or not, you will never find your personal style by buying tons of clothes or even keeping tons of clothes. You will just keep experimenting with things that don’t work for you. That it turn will keep you feeling uncomfortable and uncertain about your clothing.
I didn’t really start honing in on what I really liked about clothes until I started changing my clothes out every six months and ruthlessly holding them up to scrutiny with the questions listed above to create a seasonal capsule wardrobe. When I started letting go of clothes that I had not worn during the season I started to notice the similarities in the clothes I wanted to keep. That is when I found out what colors compliment my skin, what fabrics make me comfortable, and what cuts were most flattering for my body.
That is when minimalism started saving me tons of time and money! I didn’t have to experiment anymore. Suddenly I knew WHAT I was shopping for and WHEN I actually needed to shop! I knew what NOT TO BUY and I stopped adding to the problem.

Where Do You Put Your Off-Season Clothing?
Now that you have chosen the clothes that you will keep out and the clothes you will put away how do you organize your closet? Where do put the clothes that you don’t need for the next six months?
That depends entirely on your space and how much off-season clothing you have. I have a few tubs I use to put away my off-season clothing in categories. That way, if I go on a tropical vacation in the middle of winter I know where by tank tops and shorts are!
I put my tubs on the top shelf of my closet now. When we lived in the apartment I kept them in the small garage we had access to.
Find a place that works for you and be strict about how much you can store. Don’t go buying more storage solutions cause you need more storage. That is the time to let go of more clothes instead!
Enjoy Your Kind of Brand New Clothes and Your Organized Closet!
Now that you have put up the clothes for the last season your closet is full of fresh clothes you haven’t seen in six months. It is an exciting feeling to have new things to wear!
This is the cheapest way you will ever get a new wardrobe and the best part is the new clothes are also your favorite clothes!
They fit you perfectly and they are just your style. You are going to look great for the new season. I hope you enjoy finding all the right clothes that you love to wear in your organized closet!
How often do you already organize your closet? Do you think you will try a seasonal closet organization? Why or why not? Please share in the comments below!
Do you need help decluttering your closet?
If your closet is a disaster zone Closet Simplicity can help! Hone in on your personal style, learn cheap or free organizational hacks, and stop keeping clothes you don’t wear!

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