5 Great Reasons to Keep Protecting and Promoting Your Health!
I am a pretty healthy person but I’m not a particularly vigilant person. I like a glass of wine, some cookies, potato chips and pizza! My weight has it’s ups and downs and I don’t always exercise as much as I should or sleep well.
But I’ve learned the importance of protecting and promoting your health. That in turn has motivated me to reign in my bad habits when they get out of hand.
I am not a doctor but I am not going to share health tips. I am going to share with you why it’s so important to start protecting and promoting your health so you can stay healthy and happy!
Why Is Protecting and Promoting Your Health So Hard?
Protecting and promoting your health sounds like something we should all be doing and we all want to do it. But all too often our efforts to stick to beneficial wellness strategies are derailed because it’s a lot easier to eat poorly and skip exercising. If you are like me vitamins are hard to remember and making the time to be active is difficult.
Why is it so hard to maintain healthy habits if we all want to be healthier? For a couple big reasons.
Firstly, your environment may make it hard for you to focus on protecting and promoting your health.
If you are really busy it’s easier to grab junk food when your out and microwave something that resembles food at home. It just takes longer to make healthy meals.
Your busy schedule might also make it so that you feel almost selfish when you take time for exercise. It might feel like you have to put up a fight to get just half an hour for working out.
You may also have a hard time protecting and promoting your health if you are not a fan of healthy foods. A lot of people weren’t raised eating super healthy food and so they don’t have a taste for fruits or vegetables.
To top it off it’s really hard to have healthy habits because in this modern world so much of our lives are spent at desks or in front of screens. It can be hard to build a desire to be active. Exercise definitely sounds hard and overwhelming sometimes.

You Should Start Protecting and Promoting Your Health Because You Are the Asset
Because it isn’t easy to take consistent action towards protecting and promoting your health you are going to need motivation to do it. That’s where this article comes in.
One of the best pieces of advice I ever read was in Essentialism by Greg McKeown. It’s actually not even a book about health but when speaking about getting enough sleep he explains:
“The best asset we have for making a contribution to the world is ourselves. If we underinvest in ourselves, we damage the very tool we need to make our highest contribution.”
So if you are the asset, you are the valuable thing that needs protecting, then you need to take of yourself really well if you hope to do any good for anyone else. That’s why you need to be healthier.
It reminds me of my favorite TV show Chuck. In it, Chuck is the asset because he has downloaded all the government intel into his brain accidentally. He is a big nerd but the CIA and the NSA both spend spies to protect him no matter what.
You are that valuable. It is worth it to spend time and energy promoting and protecting your health because you are the asset. You’re body and health is what you have to take care of to get anything else done!

Focus on Protecting and Promoting Your Health So You Can Stay Healthy and Happy
You don’t only need to stay healthy and happy so that you can stay productive. It is also important for you to focus on protecting and promoting your health so that you can stay happy and positive about your life.
Our bodies are little machines and microbiomes and electrical networks all at the same time and it takes a fine balance to keep running properly. Our environments are not always friendly to keeping that balance.
Junk food and alcohol can mess with your gut. Extra weight can put stress on your heart, your joints, and more. And last but not least, a lack of sleep can mess with your hormones and body chemistry. All of this can affect your mood and mental health.
If you have been feeling exhausted, depressed, grouchy, or stressed out it’s time to look at your recent habits. Ask yourself the following questions:
- What have you been eating?
- How have you been sleeping?
- Are you exercising regularly?
- Have you been eating junk?
- Staying up late?
- Are you drinking alchohol?
- Are you drinking enough water?
Odds are good that if you haven’t been working on protecting and promoting your health you are out of balance.
The good news is you can get back into balance in just a few days when you get your healthy habits back on track! You could try to eat more vegetables or live without alcohol for a little while. Try building a morning self care routine to improve your days. When you take even the tiniest steps you will feel better and happier faster than you expect!
I can’t think of better motivation to start protecting and promoting your health than that it will make you feel great! You will be happy and have more energy. And when you stay healthy and happy everyone benefits!

Protecting and Promoting Your Health Is Important For Those Who Love You
I’m a generally happy person but even I can get dark sometimes and when I don’t feel good I tend to wonder what would happen if I just wasn’t suffering with it any more. I think that’s probably pretty normal.
But every time I think that way I think about how my husband, my parents, and my best friends would feel if I wasn’t around anymore. That is a huge motivation to me to get my act together and start doing whatever I can to protect my health and feel better.
Sometimes it feels like we are being selfish making half and hour to exercise. It can feel awkward to choose healthier food when everyone wants junk. In fact, it can be really hard to do that. But remember this. Self care isn’t selfish.
The people who love you may not say it but they are happy when they see that you are protecting and promoting your health. It makes them feel safer. They don’t have to worry so much cause they know you are doing what you can to stay healthy and happy.

Prevention is Better Than a Cure
Another reason we need consider our health and what we can do to protect it every single day is that it’s easier to prevent illness than to cure it.
We live in a country where obesity is standard and that comes with tons of health risks. Cancer and heart disease can also be caused by our every day choices as well as genetics. Our immune system is severely affected by the foods we eat. And every single part of our body will suffer if we don’t stay active and get enough sleep.
On top of this winter wellness is made even more difficult because of cold temperatures and more circulating illnesses.
You well know how difficult it can be to deal with any kind of illness once it has taken hold. How much better, then, is prevention. When you take proactive steps to know your family history and work on your health accordingly you might be preventing yourself bigger problems down the road.
When you find a way to start protecting and promoting your health by enjoying active hobbies and healthy foods your entire lifestyle will change for the better.
Protecting and Promoting Your Health Brings Freedom!
There is one final reason to stay motivated about protecting and promoting your health! If you become ill you will lose a lot of freedom to do the things you dream of doing!
Whether you want to have kids and grandkids, travel the world, do a volunteer work helping others, or excel at your career, you are going to need health to do it. Once you have an illness you can still do some things but it will definitely slow you down in one way or another.
Sometimes it feels very restrictive to eat healthily and exercise. Trust me! I know the struggle well. But if you keep your goals and the freedom you need to do them in mind you will be more motivated to keep protecting and promoting your health!

Simplify Your Life So You Can Continue Protecting and Promoting Your Health
As I mentioned before, one of the things that makes it so hard to continue protecting and promoting our health so hard is our environment. If we are super busy and super stressed out it can be really hard to take the time for healthy eating and exercise. At that point we probably aren’t getting very good sleep either.
So what can we do about our environment? How can we set up our life so that good habits can stick?
The key to having the time and mental energy to start protecting and promoting your health is simplifying. You need to simplify your home so that it’s easy to plan healthy meals and make them. Your schedule may have to take some cuts so that you have time exercise and rest.
When you take the time to look at the things that clutter up your home and schedule you will be able to see what things you can remove. Once you remove those things and streamline the rest it will be a lot easier to stay healthy and happy!
Let me help you simplify your home, your schedule, your chores, and even your goals so that you can enjoy life and continue protecting and promoting your health! I wrote the Doable Simplicity (minimalism for normal people) e-book to help you do just that. Grab it today and learn how to make space in your life for things that will keep you healthy, happy, and thriving!