How to Stop Compulsive Decluttering & 7 Signs You Need To
One day, after a really thorough decluttering session I looked around at my beautiful space looking for more to get rid of. I loved and used everything I looked at and it was all organized and looked beautiful.
Still, I found myself opening drawers and looking at shelves wondering if I could get rid of more. It felt compulsive and that’s just what it was. I needed to learn how to stop compulsive decluttering and enjoy life!
You may be like me. You may wonder, “Why can’t I stop decluttering? Am I addicted to decluttering?”
And you may, or should, want to know how to stop compulsive decluttering and enjoy life.
Many of us may have become a little addicted to decluttering. It has definitely felt like that to me sometimes. So when can you stop decluttering and enjoy life? When is life simple enough?
Let’s discuss some signs that you have a simple life and you can stop compulsive decluttering and enjoy life!
Are You Addicted to Decluttering?
Maybe you have decluttered your home and find it to be very enjoyable to live in a clutter-free space. Because you enjoy that clutter-free environment so much, maybe you have decluttered several times and still find yourself wanting less.
I can’t say that is all bad. Sometimes we don’t get rid of enough stuff the first, second, or third time we declutter. Often we bring new things in and we need to declutter once in a while. It is good to keep editing your home.
But did you know there is such a thing as compulsive decluttering? Yes. It can actually become a form of OCD and I am sure you can imagine how decluttering too much, too often, could affect your family life, finances, and mental health.
And THAT is why you need to know if you are addicted to decluttering and how to stop compulsive decluttering.
So When Can Stop Compulsive Decluttering? When Life is SIMPLE ENOUGH
Do you remember why you started decluttering your life in the first place? Was it because you wanted more time, less cleaning, and less stress? Maybe you wanted to downsize or reduce your expenses? These are generally some of main goals of decluttering and minimalism.
Have you achieved those goals? Have you simplified your life? I know you have!
So when do you know if your life is simple enough? Let’s look at some ways you can know if you can stop compulsive decluttering and start enjoying your simple life.

You Can Stop Compulsive Decluttering When You Have More Time For Your Family
When you think about your life before, when your house was jam-packed with clutter and your schedule was hectic, how does that compare with your life now?
I am sure that you have much more time for your family now and I’m sure they are very happy that you do!
So don’t steal that time back by decluttering more than you need to. Don’t upset them by decluttering their stuff when they are not ready.
You can always declutter later. Spend time with your family and enjoy the benefits of all your hard work!
You Can Stop Compulsive Decluttering When You Have Time for Your Hobbies
Has decluttering your home made it easier to clean and maintain? Do you work less because you have simplified your bills or downsized? I am so proud of you! You have invested time into decluttering and simplifying your life and you have had a wonderful return on your investment.
Do you find yourself looking in organized drawers and tidy closets for something more to declutter? Don’t do that! Spend the free time you have earned pursuing your hobbies!
Decluttering isn’t the only thing we do for self-improvement. When you find you have a few spare moments start learning a language on Duolingo, enjoy a good book, play an instrument, or get your body moving!

Stop Decluttering and Make Time to Help Others
The whole purpose of simplifying your life is to take the emphasis off of material things and put your focus back on people and experiences.
Now that you have decluttered your home you have more time to help other people. If you are spending all that time looking for more to declutter you are missing the point.
Remember that “there is more happiness in giving than in receiving” and the next time you get the decluttering bug put it aside and think of something nice you can do for someone. You could run an errand for an elderly friend, make a cake for your husband, or even find volunteer work you can take part in!
If you want to know how to stop compulsive decluttering, the key is to focus on other people and other things!

When Can You Stop Decluttering and Take Care of Yourself?
If you find yourself itching to declutter your clutter-free house I implore you, from the bottom of my heart, take a break! You may have found decluttering stress relieving. I know how you feel! But obsessing about the clutter that you don’t have isn’t helping.
Think of something you can do that makes you feel relaxed and just enjoy a little bit of rest.
I like to drink a cup of hot tea and read blogs and books on my phone. I also enjoy a good soak and a nap. What do you like to do? Take the time to give yourself the care you need so that you can be the best version of yourself for your family and friends.
You Can Stop Compulsive Decluttering and ENJOY Your Home!
Now that you see how well you have done and all the benefits it has brought you, sit back and look at your home.
No! Don’t look for things you “probably don’t really need”. Look at how nice your house looks now.
Notice the things you have kept and appreciate them for the way they serve you or the joy they bring you. This beautiful home serves you by being a canvas for your life! Make something beautiful on that canvas!

You Can Stop Compulsive Decluttering And Enjoy Life!
Decluttering is not a race or a competition. You are decluttering to make life simple enough that you can enjoy it.
Don’t compare what you have decluttered with what others have decluttered and don’t push yourself to get rid of more than you are ready to.
I have found that slowly and surely I want less and less and whenever I feel that I’m ready to simplify more I do and then I sit with that for a while. It may be months and it may be years before I’m ready to part with the few extra dresses and shirts I have, but it doesn’t matter because my life is simple and I enjoy my home, and that is what matters.
Sometimes life is simple enough. You don’t want to be addicted to decluttering because there is so much life to live. You can stop decluttering for a little while and enjoy your happy simple life!
Do you ever feel like you need to declutter even though you have already done a great job? Do you feel like you need to do more when you don’t? Please share in the comments below!
DECLUTTERING Phases Will Help You Set a Nice Pace
If you don’t feel like life is simple enough yet and you want to know how to declutter your home more thoroughly I have created a unique 3 phase decluttering process. It will help you declutter at a comfortable pace that works for you.
You can complete the whole process in just one month or you can take your time and declutter as you feel ready for each phase.
My decluttering tips help you overcome emotional reasons you are keeping too many things so that you can finally break free of the cycle of clutter!