What is Slow Decorating? 3 Awesome Reasons to Try It!
I clean houses for a living so I see a lot of nice decorating. It’s amazing how differently everyone decorates. I have even cleaned the same house for three different owners and seen it transform to fit completely different families.
Recently I saw something I had never seen before. I saw a home be decorated primarily by a professional instead of the resident of the home.
Now I’m sure that the owner of the home made choices along the way and the house does look amazing but something is missing. There is something you get with slow decorating that comes about organically that you just can’t get with this deliberate and fast solution.
What is it? Let’s define slow decorating and find out why it’s better than decorating in a hurry, even if you have a great eye!
What is Slow Decorating?
Slow decorating is the idea that you will take your time to decorate your home as you find things that really work for you. It means that you might not have a major piece of furniture for awhile while you wait to find the right one. You also might have a few blank walls until you are really inspired by something.
Slow decorating means you aren’t going to run to the store and try to furnish and decorate your house all at once. It also focuses on quality over quantity and finding things you love instead of getting things just because they are in style.
Slow decorating might sound a little scary. What if it takes a long time to find the right things? Am I going to sit on the floor and eat off a tray table in the mean time? I doubt it. You probably have something you can use in the mean time. If not maybe you can borrow a folding table and a bean bag or chair from a friend. Why not try clutter free living for awhile?

Why Choose Slow Decorating?
When we move into a new space we are often excited to deck it out and show it off right away. We may scour the internet for ideas on how to decorate a new home or we may head straight to Target or Hobby Lobby to find items for every room.
So why would we want to choose slow decorating over getting on-trend pieces at the big box or discount stores right away? Why would we pass up the excitement of getting all that done at once and instead decorate more slowly?
Let’s find out what the benefits of slow decorating are so you can decide if it’s right for you!
1: Slow Decorating is More Personal
The first most obvious benefit of slow decorating is that it makes your home more personal.
When you grab a bunch of stuff at the store in a hurry it is unlikely to be truly meaningful to you. When you have someone else decorate for you there’s a risk your house will look more like a hotel than a home.
On the other hand, with slow decorating you get to take the time to find things that really speak to you and decorate with art and other items that will mean something to you for more than just a season. Slow decorating will allow you to find furniture that really fits your life and your look instead of stuff that’s just good enough.
When you carefully curate your house to fit your personality, style and goals it will feel like more like a home to you. Take your time and create a space you love.

2: Slow Decorating is Sustainable Decorating
Another reason to consider slow decorating is because it is more sustainable.
When we talk about sustainable decorating we aren’t just talking about expensive furniture made out of bamboo. We are talking about furniture that won’t end up in the landfill within 10 years because it is made of a material that is one step up from actual cardboard.
A lot of my furniture was handed down to me. My headboard, nightstands and dresser are from my grandmother. She bought them in the 50s. It crazy that they still look practically brand new but that is because they were so well made.
While these peices aren’t necessarily my style they are very nice pieces that are going to last much longer than anything I could buy at the big box store. I know that for a fact because the big box store furniture we had when we were first married fell apart years ago.
As you decorate slowly look for furniture and other items that will stand the test of time. You aren’t in a hurry so you can spend a little bit more when you find the right thing. In the long run you will probably save money because you won’t be replacing these items any time soon.
Another great way to find quality furniture is to keep an eye on yard sales, estate sales and thrift stores or used furniture stores. There are some real treasures out there, especially if you learn how to refinish and pretty them up!

3: Slow Decorating is More Affordable
The last reason to try slow decorating is possibly the most compelling in a practical sense. It’s more affordable.
Decorating just one room can cost a lot, even if everything is on sale at a discount store. Furniture, even poorly made furniture that won’t last long, can cost quite a bit. Furnishing a whole house all at once could put you in a lot of debt.
Instead, with slow decorating you can live with what you already have while you slowly learn how to curate your home with quality furniture and decorative pieces that actually tell your story. It may take a while for everything to look perfect but it will probably look clean and functional in the meantime.
Because you aren’t dumping a huge amount of money all at once you will probably be able to buy nicer items when you find the right ones. Small investments once in a while will last a long time and your house will look like a home sooner than you might think.
Will You Try Slow Decorating?
If you are moving into a new home soon it is tempting to decorate fast and make it all look like a magazine picture right away but instead you could try slow decorating.
Will you learn how to curate your home with slow decorating? Can you look around a little longer for furniture that won’t fall apart in a couple of years? Will you slow down your spending so that you buy the right things as you find them? Do you want to make your house look like a home with meaningful decorations that bring back good memories?
If you try to decorate more slowly and learn how to decorate a new home in a more thoughtful way I am sure you won’t regret the finished product!

Do You Need to Declutter Your Home?
But what if you already have a lot of home décor? What if you aren’t moving and you have too much clutter?
Learn how to declutter your home décor and then learn how to declutter everything else! I have created a special decluttering program to help you declutter at your own pace whether that is fast or slow. In three phases you will build your decluttering muscles slowly so you don’t declutter anything before you are ready.
If you want to make a huge difference in your home Fearless Decluttering will help you reach your goals without overwhelm or regret!