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  1. Color personality test is one of the most used tool in psychological practice. Despite the fact that we are dealing with a complex trait to measure and made up of dynamics that make each individual unique, these clinical instruments are more useful than we think. Now, it is necessary to first know what types of tests exist, what they measure, and what methodology they use.

    This test makes you learn about your unique communication style, insight into your self-image vs. other people’s perceptions of you, and ways to best manage time, stress, and more considering your unique personality.

    Who more and who less has taken a personality test at some point in their life? Whether it’s going through a selection process, for clinical purposes, or for simple personal interest, it is undoubtedly something quite common in most of our social settings. However, it is necessary to remember that there are tests with greater validity than others and that it is important to be demanding with these instruments if we really want to obtain reliable information.

    *Personality tests are the most widely used resource in clinical practice. The most important ones, those that are used daily in clinical practice, have adequate studies that guarantee their reliability and validity.*


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