How Can You Start Realizing Your Worth So You Can Make Your Life Amazing?
I used to be afraid to wear shorts because my legs are fat and I didn’t want to wear a swim-suit in front of a bunch of people even though I love swimming more than anything. Then one day I got a new friend and she taught me that when you have self-worth it frees you from all of those restraints! Ever since then, my life has been a lot more fun! Let me help you break free too. Let’s talk about how you can start realizing your worth and understanding the importance of self-esteem.
Let’s talk for a while about the importance of self-esteem or self-worth. Does having self-esteem mean you are vain or arrogant? Here are some questions you might have:
- What is self-worth?
- How do I give myself self-worth?
- Why is self-worth important?
- What will change when you develop self-worth?
Start Realizing Your Worth -What is Self-Worth or Self Esteem?
Do you know what self-worth is? What is another word for self-worth? It can mean dignity, self-respect, self-esteem and confidence. It can help us to have a positive self-image.
We need to have a level of self-worth and confidence to achieve our dreams. After all, if you are realizing your worth you won’t feel like you can go for your goals. That’s the importance of self-esteem. It’s the fuel that gets you going.
Self-worth isn’t about what others think of you. You do not build self-worth by getting compliments or notice from others. You shouldn’t define your value with external things like that. Self-worth is what you tell yourself about yourself. It’s about you realizing your worth for yourself, without external validation.

Are You Realizing Your Worth or Do You Bully Yourself?
So how do you know whether or not you are realizing your worth properly?
What are you telling yourself every day? How will your internal dialogue affect your life?
Most of us bully ourselves every day. You may look in the mirror and tell yourself your fat, your nose is too big, and you are too short. You may even attack your personal qualities and tell yourself that you can’t do certain things because you are lazy, disorganized, or unqualified.
If you were to tell someone the things you tell yourself it would be so harsh that others would stand up for them. It would be considered verbal abuse. Have you ever thought of that?
Why do you tell yourself things that would be considered verbal abuse if they were heard out loud? Why do you tear yourself down so badly? Instead of realizing your worth your undermining it.
Watch this video about how we view ourselves compared to how others view us. As you watch it think honestly about how you view yourself. Are you realizing your worth or are you tearing yourself down?

The Importance of Self Worth and Changing Your Internal Dialogue
Why not change your internal dialogue? Make an effort to look for the best in yourself! Tell yourself good things. Start realizing your worth by looking for the positive.
Here are some examples of affirmations of self-worth you could tell yourself:
- You have beautiful eyes.
- Your hair is so pretty!
- You are strong
- You are kind
- Your experience and talents are unique.
- You are growing.
- You are enough.
Start making it a habit to speak kindly to yourself. These affirmations of self-worth are going to help you with healing low self-esteem.
Your internal dialogue affects the person you bring to the world. When you start realizing your worth and building good self-esteem you start building the beautiful life you want.

Start Realizing Your Worth and Achieving your Goals
If you tell yourself you can’t do something you can’t. That’s that. So stop telling yourself that!
Start realizing your worth and potential. Only then will you start believing that you have the qualities you need to succeed.
If you are really being honest and realizing your worth you probably have some amazing qualities. Trust me, I know a lot of people. And they all have different qualities I want to copy.
You are strong and smart and most of all your unique take on things might be exactly what the world needs. You are the only you.
When you build that personal integrity, it’s not about being egotistical or self-centered. True self-worth is about knowing yourself, the good and the bad, and choosing to bring the best version of yourself to the table.
The importance of self-esteem could be compared to the importance of an anchor in a stormy sea. When you know yourself and you are realizing your worth as well as your flaws, you will be able to stay steady and strong no matter what comes your way.
Once you have that kind of anchor it will be easy for you to find a creative hobby, learn a new skill, start a new job, or do whatever you need to do to achieve your goals!

Self-Worth and True Beauty Are the Same Thing
We are raised in a culture of tearing ourselves down. For women, self-worth is especially hard to develope because we are in the habit of worrying about every flaw.
When I was growing up I had a lot of older girlfriends that didn’t want to wear shorts or go to the swimming pool because of their bodies. I was one of them for awhile.
Then I got a new friend. She was the same age as my other older girlfriends and she was probably heavier than most of them. But she wore swimsuits and shorts and tank tops with confidence and she had fun doing whatever she wanted to do! More than that, she was a blast to be around!
I remember looking at her and realizing for the first time that our bodies don’t have to hold us back from having the fun we want to have, wearing the clothes we want to wear, and being confident and happy in our lives!
She was always beautiful because she was always happy! Her sense of worth wasn’t rooted in how she looked but rather who she was as a person. She didn’t even know it but she changed the entire trajectory of my life.
When you start realizing your worth by focusing on your inner qualities your outer imperfections will fade away. You won’t notice them and that will free you from all that shame and self-doubt you have been feeling.
You probably will also worry less about clothes and makeup. You will want to present yourself nicely but it won’t stress you out as much.
And more than that, your inner beauty will shine through and that’s what others will see too!
When You Are Realizing Your Worth You Are Also Building Up Those Around You
Like that friend of mine, when you have good self-worth, you bring up those around you. When you believe in yourself and act with confidence that beauty will radiate and inspire other people.
Instead of talking about yourself and your insecurities to seek validation, you will be settled with yourself. That will in turn allow you to focus on people.
Instead of talking about yourself you will ask your friends questions about themselves and show interest in them. You will listen and show empathy and support to them.
Instead of being the person that holds back in fear be the person that is scared and imperfect but brave and persistent. Be the person who believes in yourself and your friends too!
Don’t ever be the person that rises above others. That’s ego, not self-worth. Be the person who brings others up with you! Help them realize their worth and improve their self-esteem.

Realizing Your Worth Will Give You Dignity
Self-worth is so important because without it you will not stand up for yourself. The importance of self-respect is that it will protect you. It will give you dignity.
If you don’t have a sense of self-respect and dignity you will let life happen to you instead of the other way around.
On the other hand, when you have good self-worth and dignity you will not let people stamp you down.
For example, knowing your self-worth in a relationship will help you choose healthy relationships instead of toxic ones.
When you start healing low self esteem you will become a stronger person. You will not do things that are against your moral code. The world won’t convince you that you need to accept things that are harmful to you.
Having a sense of worth will help you live your life on purpose and guard yourself against people and situations that will tear you down or harm you.
And one of the most important things I’ve learned from minimalism is that your self worth has nothing to do with ANYTHING external!
When you start realizing your worth you will put yourself in the driver’s seat of your life.

You’ll Never Feel Beautiful Until You Start Realizing Your Worth!
It’s not wrong to want to wear beautiful clothes and have your makeup on. Presenting yourself in a positive way is actually a sign of good self-worth.
Just remember that in the end, the only thing in your closet that can truly make you beautiful and capable every day is what you tell yourself when you get ready to face the day.
If you start realizing your worth you will believe that you are beautiful and kind and unique.
That sense of worth will help you you put your best foot forward and radiate joy and beauty to those around you. It will help you build a happy simple life you love!
Like my friend, people won’t remember what you wore, they will remember how you made them feel.
They will remember that you had enough self-worth to put your worries and insecurities aside and bring your best self to the party. They will remember you as a fun and beautiful person that made them feel great too!
What about you? How do you help yourself realize your worth? What do you do to combat negative self talk? Please share in the comments below!
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