7 Realistic Organization Tips That Are EASY To Maintain!
I love a happy organized home with a place for everything but this is my confession to you.
It doesn’t always come naturally to organize. I am not a Robo-Organizer. I am not even Monica from FRIENDS!
In fact, I am a slightly lazy human, so sometimes I don’t feel like organizing every single thing. That’s why I need realistic organization tips that make my home EASY to maintain!
To me, your home is a place where you should be able to be lazy. You don’t have to have a perfectly organized home all the time! You can have things however you like them, whether that is spec and span or organized chaos.
I personally prefer an organized home because it saves time and makes me feel ready to take on whatever comes my way.
When my home is tidy and organized I am happy to live in it.
Feeling content in my home makes me more excited about my life. That’s why I call it a happy organized home. It is something I have come to cherish.
So what are some realistic organization tips that can help you organize your home and reach the sweet spot that works for you? Let me share some of my favorite home organization hacks!
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The Most Realistic Organization Tips Don’t Over Organize
You may be surprised to hear this but it’s not a good idea to organize your home too much. You can’t expect to keep everything in a super-specific place and keep up with it. At some point, your clothes will be piled on the chair waiting for the time to be put away just right and your kitchen counter will be covered with spatulas and ladles languishing in a sort of organizational purgatory.
By all means, have specific places for your shirts vs. pants but don’t organize them by color. Have a specific drawer or counter-top container for your spatulas and ladles but don’t lay them out perfectly within said drawer or container.
Don’t make putting things away into a science. Make it something that can be done quickly and easily. When you do that, nothing will pile up.
Fold It In A Rectangle
I love the Kondo method of folding! It has changed my life. I even pack for vacations like this!
You make sure that you fold all your shirts and pants, especially in little rectangles that can sit up on their edge on their own and you will always see all your options and you will always be able to take out and put back in without disrupting the other items of clothing in the drawer.

Get In the Habit Of Putting Things Away
One of the easiest and most realistic organization tips I can give you is to get in the habit of putting things away when you are done with them.
When you take a blouse off at the end of the day ask yourself; “Is this clean enough that I will wear it again?” If the answer is no, put it into the laundry bin. When the answer is yes, take a moment and fold it Kondo style, and put it back in your drawer. If it is clean enough to wear again it is clean enough to be put by your other clean clothes.
When you get a piece of mail (aside from ones that take in-depth management) decide right then if you will actually use the coupon or make the appointment or take the cruise or accept the credit card. If you know you won’t then put it directly in the recycle bin. You don’t need that mental clutter.
If you take your jewelry off at the end of the day don’t set it on the counter but put it in the storage solutions that you have for it.
If you want to organize your home and keep it that way learn to never touch anything twice. Decide where an item belongs and put it there immediately!
This is one of the most realistic organization tips because it keeps the organization from piling up into a big project. When you do a little bit at a time it’s easy to keep an organized home every day. It literally takes just a couple of seconds to put stuff away as you go!

Have a Shoe Bench and a DROP Zone!
Another one of my favorite realistic organization tips is to create space for disorganization. I say this because we all have family members who aren’t really into organizing and we all get in a hurry sometimes. That’s why, if you want to have an organized home you have to make ways to keep the mess contained.
I would highly recommend having a place in your home, whether it be a counter, a shelf, or a closet, where you can put your keys and purse and other items you will need right as you leave your home. This way you have a set place for everything that you need to remember to take to so and so and such and such appointment. Having a little basket there will help your family put those things in a contained zone.
Also having a shoe bench or rack near the door will help you keep your most-used shoes handy and your house will also stay much cleaner! If possible even put this in the garage so you can change to house shoes before you even go in the house!
Use Only Storage Solutions That Work!
Don’t buy every organizational hack out there but do use small plastic boxes for miscellaneous items like essential oils, travel shampoos, contact lens refills, vitamins, etc.
Another good storage solution you can use is larger plastic boxes for things you must store away like camping items so that when you are ready to go you know that all of your stuff for camping or other specific seasonal items are in that box or two and it will make it easier to get ready at that time!
Not all storage solutions are actually solutions. Many of them take up more space than they help you save. I’ve been experimenting for a long time so if you want to check out my top picks for storage solutions that actually work go to my resource page!
Here’s One of My Most Realistic Organization Tips: Use Furniture That Doubles as Storage Solutions!
That ottoman that stores blankets and sheets and that Bed that has drawers underneath it has saved my life in my small space!
I’m not saying to go out and replace every piece of furniture you have with something that is multi-functional because frankly some of these products are just not as useful or comfortable as opting for the regular options. Still, investing in a few pieces of furniture that double as storage and organizing solutions can really help you keep an organized home.
For example, you could grab a nice storage ottoman. I have one and I keep my spare sheets and blankets in it. You might keep board games or video game controllers in it as well. Whatever you need it for, I know it will help you!
Sometimes our lives are small and sometimes they are big and a lot of furniture can shrink and expand for the needs as they come or at the very least store something. When you shopping for furniture consider furniture that can help you keep a happy organized home with storage solutions included!

The King of Realistic Organization Tips: EDIT YOUR HOME!
I know that you will get tired of hearing me say this but if you’re going to have a happy organized home you simply cannot keep everything!
As long as you have too much stuff it will be impossible to have a truly organized home. If you know how to declutter your home and make it a habit to do it once in a while you will find yourself refreshed at the end of your edit and happier with your home!
For example: Your Happy Organized Closet…
So how do you do it? Well, let’s just say that you have already tried to simplify a little. After the initial downsize phase you don’t go through your whole home every time.
Maybe you notice your closet feels a little cramped and crazy. So look through your shirts first. Shirts are easy to fit and thus easy to buy and thus easy to get too many of. Look at them in your drawer and if they are already folded Kondo style it will be easy to see each one pretty well. Look for the ones you never pick or you always put back. There has to be a reason you do that.
- It doesn’t fit properly?
- It was once your favorite but it’s getting ratty?
- When you bought it you thought you were that fun crazy girl but you just aren’t quite that crazy?
- It was given to you and you thought you could make it work but it’s just not you?
Well, let it go! If it’s decent and you know you will actually take it to the thrift store by all means do. If not just say goodbye. Your pretty happy drawer full of blouses you love to wear will thank you for it every morning when your decision-making process is made easier without the clutter!
Now do this to any other clothing category that is getting out of hand. Similarly, you can apply this process in any other room and category in your home. For more help decluttering you can go through the easy decluttering program that I created! Grab the Fearless Decluttering E-book and Printable Pages to Get Started!
My Homework for the NEXT Post!
Actually, I’ll be honest with you guys…my home is getting to the point where I feel cramped and frustrated again! Should I get online and look for a bigger home? Should I give up the tiny life?
I know what has worked before and it’s the EDIT! So my next blog post is a challenge to myself! I need to do a quick re-edit in my home. I’ll let you know how to re-edit your home more in-depth and I’ll let you know how I feel when it’s done!
Let Me Help You DECLUTTER FEARLESSLY and Get a Happy Organized Home!
I created a unique 3 step decluttering process that will help you avoid getting really overwhelmed with decluttering!
Let me help you declutter your house once and for all with the FEARLESS DECLUTTERING E-BOOK and Printable Pack that includes tips, checklists, and organizational solutions that will help you declutter and organize your home in no time!

I’m looking forward to your next article! How would I edit toys!!!! Toy organization ideas??? 🤔
Aleshia thanks for you comment! I’ve been considering about toys. Because I don’t have kids I feel it’s a little hard to write about. There a lot of minimalist mom bloggers out there. But I do clean for a lot of people with kids. Editing can be hard because kids are so attached to their toys. You can try your best to help them understand that the toys they don’t play with could make someone else very happy. As for organizing, I think what ive seen work best is to make sure they have an easy by type method. Like a tub for all things legos. A tub for soft animals. A tub for dolls. A tub for other small plastic toys and and an area for big toys. Obviously the edit would help but it’s hard. I will give it further thought and write an article in the future.
I think one of the things I learned early in life from my mom was to pick up after yourself. It’s one of the most important rules in our house and has been for the past 45 years!!
Yep! Kids should know they should help. All in the family should help. It’s a good thing to learn for life.