Love Your Home Again with 5 EASY Tips
Are you looking around your home thinking that you need a bigger place? A nicer place? Are you waiting and wishing for the day that you can have your own home? If so, maybe you need to learn how to love your home, or how to love your home again.
First of all, I totally know how you feel. My husband and I have been married for over 14 years and so far we have lived in a 300 square foot studio apartment for nearly 10 years and then a master suite at my parent’s house. We stayed in both of these “homes” because of circumstances beyond the financial and we periodically discuss buying a home but have no real plans of doing so at this time. We enjoy the simple life for a lot of reasons beyond the financial.
That being said, I know what it feels like to want a bigger and better home, or at least one to call my own. And I also know what it means to make small changes that help you love your home again.

Why Should You Learn to Love Your Home Again?
You may wonder, why should I learn to love my home again? Why can’t I change it? Or if I can’t change it, why love it? Love is a strong word after all. Is it really necessary to love your home?
While it’s not necessary to have a perfect home I do think it’s important to love it. Why? Because you need to feel like you have a safe, comforting, nurturing place to be if you are going to continue functioning and growing. In short, your environment has a lot to do with whether or not you are happy and your home environment is where you have the most control.
Also, it’s important to learn to love your home again because you can’t always change it. You may not be able to afford a bigger or nicer home or you may need to stay where you are for other reasons. There is nothing worse than feeling wanty, dissatisfied with what you have and hangry for something more or different. Instead, contentment with your situation breeds joy you might not expect it possible to have.

How to Love Your Home Again
But how do you find ways to love your home when it’s substandard, small, and old? How do you love your home again when you are sick and tired of it?
You make changes! That’s right. Any home can feel new again if you refresh it! And the best part is I’m not even talking about remodeling. You don’t have to get new flooring, cabinets or paint to refresh your home. You just need to tweak things a little bit.

1: Simplify Your Home
The most important thing you can do to love your home again is to simplify it. That’s right. If you feel like your home is too small, well, you might have too much junk. So get rid of the junk.
I know that sounds overwhelming but it’s really simple. Go through each room and get rid of trash like expired products, lonely socks, and Amazon packaging. Then go through each room looking for stuff you no longer use that you can donate. Finally go through each room one more time to see if you can let go of anything else or need to put things away. You don’t have to do this all in one day or even one week. Take it a little bit at a time till you get it done.
When you simplify your home it gets bigger! Yes! It’s an amazing magic trick! Less stuff equals more space every single time.
For more help with decluttering click here.

2: Move Things Around
The next things you can do to refresh your home is to move things around a bit. When you learn how to refresh your home with small changes it’s a lot easier to love your home again.
If possible, moving your furniture around can make a huge difference in a room. If that doesn’t work out try changing up smaller items. Move decor around, get new curtains, change out your throw pillows or curtains or bedspread, get a different piece of art for the walls.
While I don’t recommend buying new home decor for each season I do recommend an occasional change here and there. For example, I have a summer bedspread and a winter bedspread not only for the change in temperature but for the change of mood in my room.
Last but not least, you can always make those bigger changes like painting and remodeling, if you own your home and that of course can make a huge difference!
If you want to love your home again, maybe your just bored. Change it up!

3: Create Space for Fun & Creativity
If you want to love your home you need to make it the place you can do the things you love to do. If there’s no space for those things you will want to run away but if there is you will find joy at home.
Now, don’t tell me your house is too small. I lived in a 300 square foot studio apartment for almost 10 years and I still found room to host people for dinners and game nights, sew, make jewelry, and exercise at home. I still found room to have separate desks for my husband and I, to cook lots of nice meals, to sit outside on the patio with some plants, and even to have a guest stay the night.
How did I do it? Well, I kept my space declutterred and simple. I found convenient places to store the project materials I needed for my hobbies so that I didn’t have to give up on creativity, and I prioritized being able to do things in my home over having things in my home.
If you want to love your home again, make sure you make space for the things you love to do.
Read this post to learn more about being creative again as an adult.

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4: Make it Cozy
By the time you complete the first three steps you will probably love your home again, or at least like it more but there are a couple more important things you can do to refresh your home and the atmosphere in it.
First of all, make your home cozy. Have you heard of hygge? It’s all about making your home a safe, happy, warm place. It’s about embracing ambiance with fluffy blankets, low lights or candles, hot tea or hot chocolate, and the smells of yummy things cooking.
When you make your home cozy you make it a haven. Instead of feeling like you have to go out you will want to stay in. If your house doesn’t feel like a home it might be because it’s not comfortable. Think about the things you love and add them to your home. That could mean creating a reading nook or your dream bubble bath set up. It could be as simple as some fluffy socks or some homemade cookies. One thing I promise is that you will never regret creating a cozy hygge home.
If you want to learn more about a hygge homge grab My Hygge Home by Meik Wiking.

5: Add Love
Last but not least, you aren’t going to love your home unless you love the people in it. And of course, hopefully, you love the people in your home. But there are always ways we can improve how we treat each other which will of course improve the atmosphere of our home.
In her book Happier at Home, Gretchin Rubin pursued a year long happiness project centered on the home. After she decluttered, organized, and decorated she looked beyond the basics and focused on how she treated the people in her home, how she felt about her home and how she felt about her neighborhood.
One big thing you can do to improve the atmosphere with the people in your home is to focus on people not things. Instead of letting yourself be distracted with whatever you are doing stop and take the time to always give each other warm greetings and farewells. You can plan little adventures or projects together. Try to look for the positive and give the benefit of the doubt. Compliment, commend, and celebrate every little and big win with your family.
Another great tip from Gretchen Rubin is to “act the way you want to feel”. In other words if you want to feel tender and romantic with your husband you have to act tender and romantic with him. If you want your kids to be cheerful and open with you have to act cheerful and open with them.
Lastly, work on yourself, you will be happier with your family if you dig deep to control your temper, avoid complaining and criticism, and stop rushing all the time. Add love to your home and you will surely love your home again!
I highly recommend you grab Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin for more great tips!
Be Happier When You Love Your Home
We all want to love our home. All of us have an idea of what our dream home could be but the reality is usually, almost always, something short of that. Instead of feeling down because of it we can do things to make the home we have better, nicer, roomier, cozier and more loving.
Those things might include embracing the minimalist lifestyle so we can focus less on stuff and more on the things that matter. Or we might have to do some inner work to foster contentment and a loving atmosphere. Whatever we need to do is well worth it! When you love your home again you will be happier at home!
What makes you happy at home? Please let me know in the comments below!