Find a Creative Hobby as an Adult! 4 POWERFUL Benefits of Creativity
I’m a one of those artsy-farsty types. I don’t have just one creative hobby. I have many! They include sewing, writing, jewelry making, painting, and playing music! I just can’t help myself…
Yes, my clothes are often inspired by world culture and I love color. I absolutely pick up thread and spare beads off the floor on a daily basis. And I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve whiled away hours making things that are absolutely useless.
But being a creative person isn’t the only reason I try to be creative every day. I do it because I want all the benefits of creativity. How can having a creative hobby as an adult help you? Let’s find out!
Why Should You Find a Creative Hobby?
Are you a creative person? It’s okay to be honest. You may not naturally lean towards creative endeavors.
For example you may be more interested in things like sports, video games, reading, or just watching TV. And there is nothing wrong with that. That describes a lot of people.
And while those things may require some creative skills like strategy and using your imagination they aren’t inherently creative and don’t really count as a creative hobby like playing music, creating art, or working with a specific medium like sewing or woodworking.
So if you are a person who doesn’t lean into crafty things why should you consider being creative? What are the benefits of creativity?
Simply put, it’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey. And being creative, even if you produce crazy messy stuff that goes straight to the trash, has a lot of benefits that will surprise you.
In fact, the benefits of creativity are so meaningful that nobody should miss out on them. What are they? Let’s find out!

Creativity Is Good For Your Brain
If you are person who isn’t naturally creative you may also be the type that’s left-brain dominant. That means you probably like science, math, and logic. So if that’s what interests you then you will definatley be interested in the advantages of creativity for your brain.
First of all, being creative is a great way to ease anxiety because it turns your imagination to a specific “problem” and let’s you focus in such a way that you enter a state of flow. This “flow state” has been likened to meditation and can help you calm down.
Another benefit of creativity is it helps you continue creating new pathways in the brain. Since each creative project is essentially a puzzle in motion you are using problem solving skills and also learning new motor skills. This helps the right brain and the left brain work together. That, in turn, improve neuro-plasticity and staves off dementia!

Being Creative Gives You Experiences
Another one of the benefits of being creative is it gives you experiences and memories that no amount of passive entertainment can give you.
When you are involved in passive entertainment you are looking to be entertained. On the other hand active entertainment involves your participation to actively create your own entertainment. That means that you are more immersed in it.
When you find a creative hobby you enjoy it becomes an experience that can bring you enjoyment over and over again. Unlike watching a TV show or a movie you can use this hobby to entertain you for countless hours that just keep giving. That means that while you may have to buy stuff for your hobby you gain experiences and memories that occupy you and keep you from going shopping or looking for more stuff to fill the void.
That’s why hobbies are important if you are trying to live a minimalist lifestyle. As someone trying to live the simple life you should definitely explore hobbies for minimalists that can keep you excited and entertained!
Sharing your creative hobby with someone else can also be a great way to create memories. For example, I love to sew and my friend brought me fabric from India. I texted her pictures as I worked on the dresses and shared the finished product. That created a memory between us that is more valuable than the product I created (which I love by the way).

Creativity Helps You Grow
Now that you know just a couple of the benefits of creativity it’s time to start looking for creative hobbies to try!
It may take you a little time to find the right creative hobby for you. Maybe you aren’t crafty and nothing crafty sounds appealing to you. That’s ok.
Play around with clay and paint. Some people are into wood burning or wood working. Others enjoy working with metal to make art or jewelry.
And last but not least there is a whole world of musical instruments you can try! Or you can just sing or express yourself through dance.
Play around with it. Don’t invest too heavily in any one craft till you find your favorite. Why?
Because one of the best benefits of creativity is that when you practice, problem solve, and improve you you will eventually end up with something that you can be proud of. That will help you build your self-worth and give you motivation to tackle other puzzles in your life.
Also, you may just find something you are truly passionate about. There is a talent hiding inside of everyone. Maybe you just haven’t found yours yet.
One of the surprising benefits of creativity is the distinct possibility that you will find yourself when you find your perfect creative hobby!

Having a Creative Hobby is GREAT for Your Health
The benefits of creativity don’t stop with improving your mental functions, having loads of fun, and being great for personal growth. One of the advantage of creativity is so powerful that I try to do something creative every day.
Did you know that one of the benefits of being creative is it can actually improve your health?
As I mentioned before creativity can help you with anxiety. Because I suffer with anxiety and nightmares an essential part of my self care routine for unwinding anxiety is to do something creative every single day.
I have noticed that when I am creative the nightmares I’ve had all my life disappear. Creativity seems to be a channel for my overly active and anxious imagination. It helps me make the best of it instead of focusing on the worst so that we can cope better with changing circumstances.
When you are creative and you enter a state of flow your heart rate goes down, your blood pressure goes down, and your dopamine levels rise. There are even studies that show the benefits of being creative for your immune system function, believe it or not!
Will You Enjoy Having a Creative Hobby?
So are you convinced that you should add creativity to your life? Do you want do enjoy the benefits of creativity listed above? Are you wondering how to be more positive and do you think a hobby might help? Are you ready to find the right creative hobby for you?
The best part of creativity is that there is something for everyone. Look around. Think about what you used to enjoy as a child. Take a community college class. It might take time to find the thing that really fits you but it’s well worth the effort.
Have you already reaped the benefits of creativity? What is your favorite creative hobby? Please let me know in the comments below!
Most of all, live creatively! Remember that your creative endeavors are not about the product but about the journey and just have fun!
Do You Need MORE TIME for a Creative Hobby?
If you are down with all the benefits of being creative and you can’t wait to find a creative hobby you love the next problem may be popping into your mind.
“I just don’t have enough time to have a creative hobby!”
I totally understand! There have been times in my life when I felt the same way you do.
HOWEVER, when I let creativity fall out of my life I missed all the amazing advantage of creativity. I got anxiety, didn’t feel like myself, and wasn’t very fun to be around.
That’s why hobbies are important enough to make time for, even as an adult.
If you can’t find time for a creative hobby it might be time to create a happy simple life with the minimalist lifestyle.
Find out how to make everything in your life easier with minimalism that is doable and designed for REAL people in my e-book, Doable Simplicity!

Loving learning to play the cello at 65 years old.
That is awesome! My mom picked up the banjo at 50 and now she does DuoLingo to learn Spanish everyday.