Save Money Live Better! 5 Reasons to Stay Motivated!
We have been through a crazy year with inflation! I mean, just a cheap $1 baguette at Walmart is not $1.59! If you applied that level of inflation to everything life would get pretty difficult and I’m sure you are feeling it as much as I am.
Ironically the Walmart slogan is “Save money live better.” But that can be so hard to do when the prices of necessities are skyrocketing and the fun stuff is so cheap!
We all know some of the ways to save money but sometimes we need motivation too! So what can help us have the drive to save money and live better?
Lets learn how to get motivated to save money. These saving money motivation tips will help you reach your financial goals this year!
Why Is It So Hard to Save Money?
Have you ever been on a diet? You probably have! And diets aren’t really very fun are they? I mean, you just don’t want to say no to things that look delicious and promise to assuage our anxiety (or is that just me?). Anyway, diet’s can be REALLY hard to stick to if you aren’t SUPER motivated.
It’s the same with saving money. You probably know that you can save money every day by packing a lunch, skipping the coffee, and watching your movie at home on the weekend. Maybe you have even canceled your streaming subscriptions and stopped getting manicures.
But it can be really hard to stick to a program of saving money if you aren’t completely strapped. It’s all too easy to let things slip and start spending more and more. You might even find yourself splurging in the same irresponsible way you have binged after a diet.
Saving money is hard enough in the economic climate we live in where it’s difficult to make the necessary ends meet. But it’s even harder because we live in a consumer society that constantly makes us feel worthless if we “can’t afford” all the things.
So if you need to learn how to motivate yourself to save money you are going to need some powerful reasons to save money stuck in your mind! What can make us actually want to save money? Motivation. We need to know why we are saving money so let’s talk about some good reasons to save money and live better!

Save Money Live Better: Less Stress!
Obviously the biggest reason to save money is so that you pay your bills and avoid a bunch of debt. But that reason doesn’t feel very rewarding in the moment. I mean, you make money and then it’s gone. No fun.
But another reason that it’s important to, not just break even, but also save money, is it will prevent a lot of stress!
As we all learned during the pandemic, life is unpredictable and what seems like a stable job can disappear in a day. Your car might need a major repair, a hospital bill might spring up, or you might suddenly need to fly across the country for a funeral. All of these things cost money.
If you are living at the edge of your means and barely breaking even each month any of these emergencies can land you in a world of financial hurt. But if you have been saving money steadily each month you will most likely be able to work something out.
So if you want to stop sitting on the edge of your seat, in constant suspense financially, you need to plan to save money each month. Remembering that you are buying yourself a lot less stress in the future can help you pass up the cute pair of shoes this month.

More Flexibility!
If you want to know to how get motivated to save money then you probably want more flexibility too. You don’t want to be stressed out all the time and worried whenever something big changes.
I totally feel you! You name it, it happened. During the pandemic my day job of cleaning was put on hold and my father’s business was seriously crippled by supply chain issues.
But you know what saved us? The fact that we had been living well below our means. Not only had we been saving money but we also lived in a small apartment and didn’t have a ton of junk. Those two factors gave us the ability to move in with my parents so we could mutually help each other through this financial setback.
When you live more simply and don’t spend all your money on stuff that will become clutter tomorrow it’s easier to be flexible.
Instead of being chained down by debt, junk, and major obligations when you focus on the essentials you will be able to move quickly, accept your dream job when it becomes available, and more!
That’s saving money motivation if I ever heard it! If you are having a hard time being motivated to save money each month just remember saving money might just be the reason you can open the next door that opens to you!

Save Money Live Better and Have More Fun!
Well, we have covered the most important reasons you should know how to motivate yourself to save money and live better. But it’s not all serious stuff. Another great reason to save money is that it actually makes life more fun!
I know it’s fun to spend money on every cute pair of shoes and delicious cup of coffee that comes along and there is nothing wrong with splurging once in awhile. However when these little “splurges” happen all the time they aren’t really splurges after all and nothing is really a “treat” when you have it all the time.
On the other hand when you learn to pack a lunch, make your coffee at home, and have no spend days often you will start seeing the absence of all those little splurges add up in a big way in your bank account. You will start seeing your savings grow much faster than you would expect. Seeing that progress is the best saving money motivation there is!
What’s the best part? Your savings isn’t just there for emergencies! It’s also there for trips you want to take and fun experiences you want to try.
Because my husband and I always have a healthy savings account we have been able to go on some really fun trips, buy bikes and a kayak, go to concerts, go on cool tours, and more. We don’t stress out about if we can afford fun stuff when it comes up. We just enjoy it!
So what about you, what are some fun things you have had to turn down cause you were broke? Wouldn’t you like to start saying yes? Then start saving money for it! Knowing that you will have money for really fun stuff in the future is great motivation to pass up the tiny treats that end up stealing your money in day to day life!
Save Money, Live Better, Be More Generous!
I know you want to save money live better, and have less stress and more fun! But wouldn’t it be nice if you could share the love? Doesn’t it feel great to be ABLE to do something kind and helpful for others?
If you learn how to motivate yourself to save money by passing up small treats and impulse purchases you will definitely have more wiggle room to help your family and friends out when a need arises. This may be in big ways or small ways. It might just mean that you can take them out for a nice dinner or buy them a just because gift.
In whatever way you help them or show generosity I know it will make you feel great! You would probably be helpful and generous even if money was tight but it feels a lot better to know that you can help without causing problems in your budget. It allows you to really feel all the joy of giving!
When you are feeling wanty and just want to enjoy some midnight online shopping remember this saving motivation. If you learn how to motivate yourself to save money you will be able to bring joy to others!

Save Money Live Better and Be Happier For It!
We all know we should save money but it can be really hard to do. There may be times when you feel like you aren’t able to do anything fun because you are saving money.
Saving money may mean making big decisions like living in a smaller house and driving a used car. Or it might involve smaller choices like not getting the latest iPhone, skipping the manicures and Starbucks, or deciding that you don’t actually need new clothes right now.
In the long run though, you will be happy you decided to learn how to motivate yourself to save money and live better. When you decide to spend less on the transient junk you will have more money for making memories, helping others, dealing with surprise emergencies, and having the flexibility to roll with life’s ups and downs.
I hope these saving money motivation tips help you stay on track! Remember all the benefits of saving money to stay motivated and make better financial decisions. Save money live better! I know you can do it!
Save Money Live Better With Minimalism!
Now that you know how to motivate yourself to save money you are on your way to a better life!
But it will still be hard because we live in a consumer society that would have you believe that if you aren’t buying junk you aren’t winning. Because of that you are going to have to change your entire mindset to want just stuff and be happy about it!
That is what the minimalist lifestyle is all about! When you become a minimalist you learn how to keep what you love and let go of the rest! But how do you even get started with minimalism? Isn’t it a little extreme?
Don’t worry! I’ve got your back! I’m a normal person and I’m a minimalist! I have written the ultimate guide to minimalism for NORMAL people and it’s called DOABLE Simplicity (minimalism for normal people)!