7 Healthy Habits That Are Simple and Timeless!
We all want to stay healthy and eat right. We want to feel our best and enjoy our life.
But there are so many diet fads and conflicting advice out there. It can become very overwhelming to know what to do to simply be your healthiest you.
Let’s focus on the basics and learn simple healthy habits you can start today!
With just a few simple changes you can start enjoying better health before you know it. These healthy habits cut through the clutter and help you stay healthy the simple way!
By the way, I am not a doctor or even a nurse. I am just recommending basic things that will help everyone.
Here are the basics:
- Drink more water.
- Eat more fruits and veggies.
- Reduce processed foods.
- Get sunshine and fresh air.
- Exercise and stretch.
- Take time for yourself.
- Get enough sleep.
Now let’s get to the details!
Healthy Habits for Better Health: How were we supposed to live?
Whenever I am not feeling quite right I try to think about how we were supposed to live.
Were our bodies designed to sit at desks or on couches all day? Were we supposed to avoid the sun and eat processed food? No! We were not made to sit in dark boxes eating junk! We were made to move and be outside and eat what the land gives us.
Remember that because it applies to all the other healthy habits for better health that we will talk about today.

Healthy Habits for Better Health: Drink more water
One of the most important healthy habits you can start today is to drink more water.
Our body needs water to function. Drinking water has endless benefits! Scientists say that up to 60% of our body is water.
Even being slightly dehydrated can weaken our muscles, organs, and minds. And ironically drinking alcohol, soda, coffee, or even tea can dehydrate us further. If you are feeling fatigued or have a brain fog chances are you need more water. This is especially true if you have been exercising or are in a hot and dry climate.
Water should be your drink of choice because other drinks like tea or coffee may contain water but they can actually dehydrate you more. If you need to add some flavor to your water try some lemon juice, cucumber slices, or some crushed berries!
Drinking water will always make you feel better and it can even help you lose weight. If you drink 16 oz of water before every meal you will eat less.
Sometimes when you want a snack you aren’t hungry, you are thirsty. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day and you will feel so much better!
Healthy Habits for Better Health: Eat More Fruit and Veggies
Another important healthy habit is to eat lots of fruits and veggies.
I lost 50 pounds following the Weight Watchers points system when I was 16. I did not go to any meetings. All I did was use leftover books to learn the system and then I kept track of my food. I will forever be thankful to Weight Watchers for teaching me how to make wise food choices.
One of the biggest things you learn when counting calories is that fruit and veggies are the better choices because they are more filling for fewer calories.
That’s not all though! Veggies provide nutrients. Our food can be medicine or poison. When we eat junk food we are giving our body nothing good to work with but when we eat veggies we are giving our bodies the vitamins and minerals that it needs to run properly.
If you haven’t been feeling quite right lately, think about what you have been eating. I guarantee you haven’t been eating enough vegetables. Try to make veggies 1/4 to 1/2 of each meal and start feeling more energetic! You will probably lose weight too.
If you don’t like veggies explore different ways to prepare them. I love Indian recipes for transforming veggies into amazing meals!
When you incorporate veggies and fruit into your daily diet you will enjoy better health immediately. It is one of the most important healthy habits so don’t skip it!

Healthy Habits for Better Health: Reduce Processed Foods
For the last several years carbs have been the enemy and I’ll be honest with you. I hate it! I love pasta and bread and rice and potatoes. Whenever I have tried to go off carbs I find myself less active and my brain feels like it can barely operate. I do not find it a balanced way to live.
Stop worrying about the latest fads. Don’t stop eating carbs and replacing them with too much fat. Be balanced. Carbohydrates help us regulate blood sugar and fiber helps us feel full and digest our food. Stop yo-yo dieting with unsustainable and unbalanced diets.
Remember that carbohydrates are not the enemy. Instead, focus on eating high-quality carbohydrates and avoid processed food.
Look for brown rice, whole wheat flour, whole grains, and fruit and veggies. All of these give you the nutrients you need and help your body run smoothly.
Avoid sugar and white flour as much as you can.
Watch your portion sizes.
Going out to eat or waiting till the last minute to figure out what you will make for dinner are the main reasons we eat processed food. Prevent that from happening! With a little meal planning it is much easier to eat healthy foods!
When you cut through the clutter of diet advice and fads you will find a more balanced way of eating. Healthy habits in what you eat will help you enjoy better health and stay healthy, the simple way.
Healthy Habits for Better Health: Get Sunshine and Fresh Air
Remember, we were not meant to sit in dark boxes. We need sunshine and fresh air.
Sunshine can help you to have proper serotonin levels which prevent depression and promote happiness. It can also help you to build strong bones and a good immune system by helping your body produce Vitamin D. Fresh air can also help you get more oxygen in your blood, clean your lungs, and boost your immune system.
It seems like everything we do is inside and it can be hard to know how to get outside more with our busy schedules but it is so good for us!
Walking out the door and getting some fresh air and sunshine is so beneficial for this reason and so much more! It’s one of the easiest healthy habits you can start!
When you are outside you can also enjoy nature. Take a moment to appreciate the blue sky, a fluffy cloud, or a luxuriously green tree. Being outside can help you center yourself and appreciate the little things. Stop and smell the roses!

Exercise and Stretch
When people think of healthy habits they always think of exercise. Regular exercise is essential to enjoying better health because “if you don’t use it you lose it”.
Muscles, ligaments, and bones make up our bodies. Even our heart and lungs are muscles. We need to use our body to keep it strong. That is why exercise is so important to feeling good and being healthy. Exercise will do more than strengthen your body. It will help you to feel better about yourself because you are taking control of your health. It will increase serotonin and endorphins which stimulate happiness and good sleep.
As Elle Woods said in Legally Blonde; “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t just shoot their husbands.”
Don’t forget to stretch too! Stretching can help you relax while lengthening your muscles and strengthening your tendons. For these reasons stretching is important for a balanced body and mind.
Get an easy home workout so that you can be consistent! Add on the gym and outdoor activities too you enjoy as needed.

Take Time for Yourself
A few years ago one of my good friends suffered adrenal fatigue. I knew I was right behind her because I also had a full schedule and high expectations for myself.
Life today pulls us in a lot of different directions and demands us to be constantly multitasking. All of this can and will add up. One important quote that sticks with me is; “If you don’t take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness.”
Needless to say, both my friend and I decided to slow down our lives a little bit and start paying attention to little things that helped us feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally.
This is becoming the well-known concept of self-care. Sometimes it may feel selfish to take time for a bubble bath, some quiet time, writing in a journal, or taking time to read but it is important to take care of yourself if want to have anything to give to others. Self-care is actually another one of the healthy habits you need to start to enjoy better health.
Being the overworked martyr will not make you a good friend or family member. Take time for reflection, pampering, and rest so that you can offer the best version of yourself to the world!
Get Good Sleep
Last but not least, your healthy habits won’t do you much good if you aren’t getting enough sleep. If you want better health it is very important to get good sleep. When you are sleeping your body repairs itself in a thousand ways. Good sleep habits will improve your immune system, mood, weight management, metabolism, concentration, productivity, and strength! Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep and be consistent about when you go to sleep and when you wake up.
I am also a great believer in the benefits of a 20-minute nap. When you are feeling unproductive and unmotivated a short nap can be just what your mind and body needs to refresh itself and get going again!

Cut Through the Clutter and Use These Simple Healthy Habits
This world is complicated and stressful. We don’t need our health and wellness to feel like a confusing puzzle with ever-changing pieces.
Stop worrying about the latest health craze or diet fad and stick to basics. Cut through the clutter of conflicting advice.
Learn to be balanced by taking care of your health with simple and timeless healthy habits. These habits will help you stay healthy through the winter, lose weight, keep it off and feel great. You will start to enjoy better health and it will be easier to stay healthy. It really can be that simple! I know you can do it!
I promise it is worth the effort to continue protecting and promoting your health!
What simple healthy habits do you have? Please share in the comments below!
Start Your Simple Life Today!
I know you want a happy simple life and there is really no reason not to start enjoying simple living!
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