Hi, My name is Jessalynn Jones but Jessie is just fine. It’s nice to meet you!
What Made Me Want to Simplify?
I wasn’t always a minimalist.
When I was young my room was full of gifts and mementos. I would say I loved clutter. Any frilly little thing I could get my hands on adorned my room! I had a great childhood and I wanted to keep everything because it all held memories.
Well one day I had a new friend over for a sleepover. I couldn’t wait to show her my room! She walked in and said; “You have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!”
That really hurt! I tried to explain why I had this and that and that and that. She was not impressed.
That day flipped a switch in my mind! I started to realize that my friendships and memories did not reside in stuff and slowly, very slowly, I started to let go.

About 10 years later, I was a newlywed in a 400 square foot studio apartment. I had to move my clothes and stuff into a space previously inhabited by my 6’4” husband and his stuff. I had to make this tiny space a home for both of us! Also, my husband is SUPER social and a bit of a board game fanatic so I had to make my little space, not only livable but welcoming for company!
This really started me down the road of some serious decluttering and minimalism. I knew that if I was going to survive in this space I was going to have to think about EVERY ITEM I brought into it. I became really intentional about what I bought and just a little brutal about what I kept.
Am I a REAL Minimalist?
But I didn’t really think I was a “MINIMALIST”. I still am not sure that I am a “MINIMALIST”. That word makes people think of austere white and beige environments and wearing just 2 outfits.
I am a little bit boho and a little bit vintage. My creative outlets are, writing (of course), sewing, and making jewelry which I sell on Etsy! I have a flair for the dramatic, I can’t afford to travel the world (yet) so I love to explore the world in the kitchen, making Indian, Mexican, Italian, Korean, Greek, and Cajun Food on any given week! My husband and I love to have friends over to play board games. We like to spend our weekends hiking in the high desert of New Mexico with our Yorkie-poo Barley, kayaking at the lake, or camping in the mountains of Colorado! My life is anything but austere or neutral or bland!
So, while I am not sure I am purely minimalist I am sure of one thing. My life is simple and full!
I slowly simplified my life more and more until I really enjoyed my 400 square foot studio apartment and the life it gave me time to live. Then, when we needed to move in with my parents to help them, it was an easy transition. In fact, my life is simpler and I feel freer than ever now!

But How Can I Help You Simplify?
But there was another problem. I am a cleaning lady! For over a decade and a half, I have seen families try their best to make their homes just right for their lives. What I saw instead was overwhelm. Most of my families were drowning in clutter or overwhelmed by home maintenance. I wanted to help them!
Why should you simplify? There is more to life than work and cleaning the house…
That is why I started my blog! My goal is to help YOU realize that simplicity is DOABLE and minimalism can fit your life! If you are overwhelmed by your hectic life and your messy house and you are sick and tired of doing nothing but working and cleaning then I know EXACTLY HOW YOUR FEEL! I remember crying because I needed to vacuum and my crappy AC wasn’t keeping the house cool. But then I focused on simplicity and started making my life DOABLE for me!
You have so much more potential than to be stuck in that rat race! I want to help you find the simple life that gives you time to pursue your passions, achieve your big picture goals, and enjoy the simple things in life!
Whether your goal is to travel more, create art, spend more time with your family, or pay off debt simplifying your life will make those things a reality!
Let me help you with the articles on this blog to find ways that you can simplify your life, declutter your home, lighten your load, and have more time to make your life what you have always wanted it to be, instead of what others tell you it should be. Stop stressing out and just simplify.
Less is More! Be FEARLESS as You Simplify!
My love for people and the simple life has also motivated me to want to help others declutter their homes without becoming completely overwhelmed!
If you are like me, money matters, so you won’t just want to throw your stuff away. Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered on that too.
My FEARLESS DECLUTTERING E-Book will help you declutter fast, get rid of stuff when you feel ready to get rid of it! Turn that clutter into cash that you can use to pay off debt, and start ENJOYING A SIMPLE LIFE where you have time to more than just clean your house and do laundry on the weekend!
Free Ways To Keep Up With All The Tips:
I want to help you simplify your life. My goal is to answer any question and brainstorm any problem that might come up for you along the way! That being said, I would love to hear from you!
If you want to contact me you can always go to the top of the page and click on Contact. The form on that page will be sent to my e-mail!
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